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他们在玩国际跳棋。They are playing a game of draughts.

西洋跳棋比象棋简单。Draughts is an easier game than chess.

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我过去经常和我父亲玩跳棋。I used to play chinese checkers with my dad.

那你指的是象棋、跳棋和打牌这样的游戏。Oh, you mean games like chess, drafts and cards.

教孩子玩跳棋或象棋.Teach your child how to play solitaire or chess.

国际象棋或西洋跳棋中的黑色棋子。The black-colored pieces, as in chess or checkers.

一家人常常玩跳棋或者玩抓迷藏游戏。Often the family plays board games or hide-and-seek.

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你愿意放学后和我们下国际跳棋吗?Are you willing to play draughts with us after school?

你喜欢做什么?放风筝?滑冰吗?玩跳棋?What do you like to do? Fly kites? Skate ? play checkers ?

我总觉得跳棋太简单,但还是接受了。I always thought it was kind of a simple game, but I accepted.

多玩家黑桃王,双陆棋,红心大战,跳棋和翻转棋。Multiplayer Spades, Backgammon, Hearts, Checkers, and Reversi.

不同于国际象棋或跳棋,塔夫尔是一种非对称战略游戏。Unlike Chess or Checkers, Tafl is an asymmetrical strategy game.

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“我们的小女孩,6岁的特里西娅,把它命名为”跳棋。"And our little girl Tricia, the six year old, named it "Checkers.

会的,当我还是个小男孩的时候,我很喜欢下跳棋和军棋。Yes. When I was a little boy, I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess.

但令人惊讶的是,不久以后,五子棋比跳棋更受学生们的欢迎。Surprisingly, renju soon became more popular among the students than checkers.

两个人在下跳棋,一个人在写信,大多数人在抽烟斗。Two are playing checkers. One is writing a letter. Most of them are smoking pipes.

当我到达的时候,有很多人正在下五子棋,还有一些人在下跳棋。When I went there, many people were playing renju there, some were playing checkers.

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本文主要介绍的是实现简单的网络跳棋游戏。This paper mainly introduces the realization of the simple network Chinese checkers game.

结果,每周其它的两节跳棋课有时也会举办五子棋比赛。As a result, renju games were sometimes played in remaining 2 lessons of the week as well.

1928年的时候,一家美国公司在做市场推广时,将其命名为“中国跳棋”。The name "Chinese checkers" originated in the US as a marketing scheme by a company in 1928.