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露西和莉莉背靠背坐著。Lucy and Lily sit back to back.

使用背靠背片染技术涂放金色系。Back to back slices technique apply with blonde tone.

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教练决议让咱们在接下来与华盛顿奇才队的背靠背比赛中休息。Wiz on the back to back and Doc decided we were going to rest.

那时我们夜里在冰原的雪上背靠背的坐着。There we sat at night in the tundra, in the snow, back to back.

背靠背直流输电系统主要应用于电力系统的非同步互联。BTB-system is mostly applied to electric Grid of non-synchronization.

我们就是两个背靠背站着的女孩,互不照面。We face away from each other, simply two girls standing back to back.

但31和41都是在感冒时拿下,而且还是一个客场背靠背。However, 31 and 41 are cold when you win, but also a back to back away.

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火箭这个月有四个背靠背比赛。今晚之后还有三个在等着他们。The Rockets have four more back-to-backs this month, three that end on the road.

不管怎样,赢下客场背靠背的二场比赛,总是件好事。Winning on the second night of a back-to-back on the road is always a good thing.

去年,骑士队是全联盟背靠背战绩最佳的球队,16胜3负。Last year, Cleveland was a league-best 16-3 on the second night of a back-to-back.

提出了背靠背换流站极控系统的实施方案。The pole control solution for LB BtB HVDC project has been proposed in this paper.

在两站背靠背的比赛和斯帕测试之后,有段短暂的休息真不错。It was nice to have a short break after two back-to-back races and the test in Spa.

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该装置采用背靠背方式的四象限变流器组成。The grid simulator adopts the four-quadrant converter consists of back-to-back mode.

本文建立了一个背靠背轻型直流输电的物理模型。A back-to-back HVDC light system of the physical model was established in this paper.

当然,NBA也在尽全力调整赛程,减少背靠背比赛的数量。In fairness, the NBA has shuffled the schedule to reduce the number of back-to-backs.

导演詹姆斯卡梅隆正在准备另两部背靠背拍摄的续集。Director James Cameron is currently working on two sequels, to be filmed back-to-back.

你不能忘记我和他们一起在2005和2006赛季所取得的“背靠背”双冠王的成绩。You can't forget that together , we won the championships back-to-back in 2005 and 2006.

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往常,在两场背靠背比赛之后,杰克森一般会给球队放一天假。Normally, on an off- day after a back-to-back, Jackson might've given the team a day off.

在率领福罗里达大学取得背靠背的冠军后,霍福德选择了进入NBA。Horford came into the League NBA-ready after leading Florida to back-to-back championships.

在介绍高岭背靠背换流站交流场滤波器配置的基础上,研究了各型滤波器最优的投切时刻。In this paper the AC filter configuration of GaoLing back to back converter station is introduced.