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他打了一个大大的问号he says with a question mark.

请选择问号。Please choose the questionmark.

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我妈说我的背弓得像个问号。My back's crooked like a question mark.

“我想这儿要留一个问号,”斯桃波说道。“I want that question mark there,” said Staub.

吉耳干先生的面孔形成了一个受委屈的问号。Mr. gilgan's face was an aggrieved question mark.

因此,结果如何仍要打个问号,”瑙曼说道。So there remains a question mark, " says Naumann.

为了找到它,先点击蓝色的问号图标。To find it, first tap on the blue question-mark icon.

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要使操作符变得懒惰,请添加问号后缀。To make an operator lazy, add a question-mark suffix.

每一个问题的答案仍然是个大问号。Everything that can answer me is a big "Qustion Mark".

他的站姿就像一个歪歪扭扭的问号。His posture would be unsatisfactory for a question mark.

危机的导火索会是什么,这是个很大的问号。The big unknown is what the spark for a crisis might be.

问号数量与batch-size值相等。The number of question marks equals the batch-size value.

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这句标语后面的感叹号或许应被一个问号所替代。tagline should perhaps have been a question mark instead.

这宗谜案也可能和许多其他网络悬案一样,成为人们心中永远的问号。That hacking mystery, like so many others, may go unsolved.

例如,它经常改变撇号为问号。For instance, it often changes apostrophes to question marks.

再不会有恼人的黄色问号了,真是不错的解脱。No more of those annoying yellow question marks. Good riddance.

句号,叹号,句号,问号,逗号,冒号。Period, exclamation marks, period, question mark, comma, colon.

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她的理由不充分,所以对这个结论我要打问号。Her reasons are not adequate, so I have doubts about the conclusion.

这里该用逗号、问号、破折号还是分号?Shall we put a comma, a question mark, a dash, or a semi-colon here ?

给下列问句加上附加疑问句。别忘了加问号。Add the tags to these questions. Don't forget to add the question mark.