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我们很难把乳酪分门别类。Cheese is hard to classify.

每周,我把它们分门别类整理到这个分类盒子里。Every week, I sort them into this sorter.

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它将令您的各种资料分门别类,清清爽爽。It will make you the breakdown-cool cool.

用标签将相似的文章分门别类。Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories.

一叠叠文件分门别类地放在桌子上贴有标签的文件夹里。Stacks of papers lay neatly sorted in labeled folders on his desk.

没错,人们在对女人的外貌进行分门别类时极有可能居心叵测。Yes, people can be vicious in their categorization of women’s looks.

但是教育的责任不仅在于把头脑分门别类武装起来。but there is more to education than the segmental equipping of the mind.

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该寺各殿壁画,分门别类,绚丽多彩,有较高的艺术价值。Monastery of the Temple mural division, colorful and high artistic value.

所有的标本都经过了分门别类,且被编好了目录,就像图书馆中的书籍一样。All specimens are taxonomically organized and cataloged, like books in a library.

出口种质的程序因此也应当详细精确地分门别类。The procedure of exporting germplasm should, therefore, be specific to the species.

我喜欢现代的高尔夫球场,但我不愿意分门别类的热门。I enjoy our modern golf courses, but I would be reluctant to categorise any favourites.

有一天他打鱼起网,把网内的鱼全倒在岸上,开始在草地上分门别类地挑选。One day he drew his nets to land, emptied his net and proceeded to sort the fishes on the grass.

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与叙述工作的时间相比,这种格式分门别类的突出你的工作能力。Rather than citing dates of employment, this format uses categories to highlight your aptitudes.

天文学家通过在太空中反射光的方式将小行星分门别类。Astronomers group asteroids into different classes based on how the rocks reflect light in space.

比方说,在“散居”上你可以将联系人“分门别类”,例如朋友、家人和熟人。For example, on Diaspora you clump people into “Aspects” like Friends, Family, and Acquaintances.

当我有需要的时候,请为我提供未经过滤的完整产品信息,但必须分门别类列清楚。Give me the goods unfiltered and fully comprehensive when I want it. BUT BE CLEAR in what is what.

当您辛辛苦苦将所有数据分门别类后,便可以想象一些显示数据的创新方法。After you do the hard work of cataloging all the data, you can imagine creative ways to display it.

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对亚洲来说,内容分门别类极为重要,以下范畴可以发现一些例子,包括Content categorization seems to be a bigthing in Asia. Examples of this can be seen inareas such as

在新义乌家具市场里,高、中、低档产品分门别类,各式精美家具夺人眼球。In the New Furniture Market, the various eye-catching products of different quality are classified.

当我搂着我的乔安妮,我体会到我们的文化训练我们将生活分门别类的方法是多么荒谬。As I held my Joanne, I realized the absurdity of the way our culture has trained us to categorize life.