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冬天的夜晚玻璃窗上很快就结上水汽。Glass windows steam over quickly at night in winter.

地上水一般是由人们从井里汲上来。Ground water is usually removed by man through wells.

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她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass.

它们的观察重写了火星上水的历史。Their observations rewrote the history of water on Mars.

如果这个容器装上水后不漏,那这个容器就没有漏洞。If it can hold water, it is strong and has no holes in it.

河面上水葫芦随风飘移。On the river surface, the hyacinth was drifting with the wind.

在污迹上沾上水,再用海绵吸掉水分,尽可能地清除墨迹。Sponge the stain with water to remove as much ink as possible.

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让蔬菜蒙上水汽是在每一个蔬菜上喷洒水的过程。Misting is a process in which vegetables are sprayed with water.

有一天早上,我在厨房找到一盒麦片,是那种对上水就会变成稀糊的麦片。It was the kind which, when mixed with hot water, would become gluey.

你挖一个坑,把玫瑰株栽进去,埋上土,浇上水。You dig a hole, put the rose bush in, recover the hole, and water it.

在冬天进到温暖的房间时,眼镜上会全部蒙上水汽。Your glasses would completely steam up when you come into the warm room in winter.

我提水走路回家,一路上水溅出水罐,到家时,只剩下一点点。I spill water from my water-jar as I walk on my way. Very little remains for my home.

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社会服务,参观,旅行,参加上水总部活动。Provide service to the community, visits, picnic, joining JPC North District activities.

女娲抓起一把泥土,和上水,按照自己的模样塑造了一个人。Nu Wa took up a handful of earth, mixed it with water and molded a figure in her likeness.

我一见到鱼,哪里还顾的上水多么浑浊,拿起鱼竿,准备钓鱼。I see the fish, where the Sheung Shui LAB also how turbidity, pick up the rods for fishing.

在水中剪切是为了防止花枝导管被空气柱阻止而吸不上水。In the water sheared straight catheter to prevent and stop smoking are not air-chu Sheung Shui.

本班列车以上水为终点站,往罗湖�乘客请稍后下一班列车。This train is for Sheung Shui, would passengers for Lo Wu, please wait for the following train.

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煮饺子是最后的一步,锅中放上水,搁在炉灶上烧,水开时,一个一个地把饺子放入开水中,盖上锅盖。When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time.

让他们把种子撒在上面,再盖上一层薄薄的土,最后浇上水。Have your child place the seeds on the top of the soil, cover lightly with earth, and add water.

留意玻璃蒙上水汽和水击打在淋浴门或门帘上的声音。Take note of the glass fogging up and the sound of the water hitting the shower door or curtain.