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偏废任何一方,都是和马克思主义的人生价值观背道而驰的。Suppressed any party, are and marxism unbiblical values in life.

三者的任一不足或偏废,都可能威胁到政治稳定的局面。Any problem in any one of three facts will menace political situation.

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这些前代学者研究的偏废和空白,理应由当代学者去填补和完成。The baby and gap left by former scholars should be carried and filled by contemporary ones.

戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own "New Neo-philosophysm" philosophy s.

从71岁开始,小约翰就没有一天离开过他心爱的马提尼,数十年不曾偏废,直到98岁去世。Rockerfeller who, from the age of 71 never renounced his Martini cocktail until his last days at 98.

戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own "New Neo-Confucianism" philosophy system.

“平行研究”和“影响研究”都不应偏废,中古佛经翻译文学给予武侠文学以实质性的多重影响。The translated literature of the middle-ancient Buddhist sutra affects deeply the dramatic romances literature.

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陈炽注重商业而不偏废农政,对水利河防尤为关注。Chengchi paid attention to commerce as well as agriculture, especially water conservancy and flood prevention projects.

从这个意义上说,一个疏忽甚至偏废诗歌教育的民族,必然导致其后继者精神结构的贫困。In this sense, to a nation neglecting poetry education must result in the poverty of their descendant's spiritual structure.

中外传世经典文学艺术作品都是情意互证两不偏废的。The literary and art works that can last forever all give equal emphasis to emotion and meaning with each supporting the other.

通过三年体系建设,这一困境有所改善,但公共职能偏废的形成机制仍然尚未阻断。This situation has been improved in the recent three years while the mechanism which resulted in the dilemma still works tight now.

“平行研究”和“影响研究”都不应偏废,中古佛经翻译文学给予武侠文学以实质性的多重影响。It is important for both parallel research and effect research. The translated literature of the middle-ancient Buddhist sutra affects deeply the dramatic romances literature.

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目前,特别需要重视的一大问题,就是城市化推进必须与农业发展相互协调,二者不能偏废。Current, need attention one big question particularly, it is the city is changed advance must develop to be coordinated each other with agriculture, both cannot do one thing and neglect another.