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你现在是骑虎难下。You're in for it now.

你现在骑虎难下了。You're riding a tiger now.

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你现在已骑虎难下了。You're on thin ice already.

拧狼耳,即骑虎难下。He holds a wolf by the ears.

你现在已经骑虎难下了。You are on thin ice already.

现在的情况就是骑虎难下。The circumstance in nowadays namely apt ride a tiger tough bottom.

他们说让奥斯卡结束这场骑虎难下的大罢工是一招妙棋。They actually say that having the Oscars helped to end the strike.

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我真是骑虎难下,再说,这个姑娘已经使我失魂落魄了。I had gone too far to turn back, and besides, this girl overwhelmed me.

我有点骑虎难下,是因为他直到十号才能来。I'm in a slightly awkward position, in that he is not arriving until the 10th.

从你同意完成那项庞大的工程开始,我们就骑虎难下了。You've had a bear by the tail ever since you agreed to finish that big project.

因为对形势作了草率的评论,汤姆现在真是骑虎难下。Tom is really in a dilemma because he gave some rack commentaries about the current trend.

因为对形势作了草率的评论,汤姆现在真是骑虎难下。Tom is really in a dilemma because he gave some rash commentaries about the current trend.

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但我现在能说的是,在这场斗争中她已经被西方媒体当作牺牲品而骑虎难下。But all I can say is, she has been lifted up by western media as a martyr in this battle for Tibet.

那些愚蠢的追逐权利的人最终都闹得个骑虎难下。Those who foolishly seek power by riding on the back of the tiger end up inside. John F, Kennnedy , American Puesident.

银行贷款这一源头正在枯竭,因为银行已经在房地产业务上涉水太深、骑虎难下,而且正在减少这方面的业务。The last source is drying up a bit, as banks are saddled with high exposure to the sector already and are trying to decrease it.

所以,中国想要走出这种进退维谷困境,即使有方法,也是很少。中国实际上骑虎难下。So, the bullets China has in order to emerge from this rock-and-a-hard-place situation are few, if any at all. China is indeed riding the tiger.

如果州政府起草的合同的不够缜密或者不能谨慎地监管好病人们的健康状况,那么所谓的管理型医疗保健制度的试行或将骑虎难下。If states do not draft their contracts properly, or fail to be vigilant in monitoring patients' health, their experiment in managed care could be a disaster.

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我责备她怎么能把这告诉妈妈,让我骑虎难下,菲菲却扑哧一笑,硬拉着我去见她母亲。I blame her how to can tell mother this, let my have no way to back down, luxuriant and beautiful attacks however Chi laughs, pulling me forcedly to see her mother.

改革也给中国领导人带来骑虎难下的困境,因为持续的经济增长依赖于持续的分权让利、私有化和开放。The reforms have resulted in a dilemma for the Chinese leadership because continued economic growth depends on continued decentralization, privatization and openness.

这种骑虎难下的局面造成了今天的美国既是世界最大的违禁药品进口国,又是世界最大的糟糕毒品政策出口国。As a result of this utter failure to think, the United States today is both the world’s largest importer of illicit drugs and the world’s largest exporter of bad drug policy.