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这个农场农牧业都搞。The farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.

这个农场农牧业都搞。This farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.

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同时,抗生素在农牧业中的应用快速增长。Meanwhile, antibiotic use in agricultural industries has grown rapidly.

价格上涨,农牧业利润更高,于是农民生产更多粮食。Prices go up, farming gets more profitable, and farmers grow more food.

蒙古传统的经济活动以农牧业为基础。Economic activity has traditionally been based on herding and agriculture.

高质量的研究导致农牧业生产的改良。High-quality research has led to improvement of productivity of farmed livestock.

近年来也是蝗虫灾害多发区,蝗虫灾害已成为其农牧业生产重大危害之一。Locust calamity has became one of the grave disservice to agriculture animal husbandry.

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新西兰在环保、农牧业方面很有特色。New Zealand has its strengths in environmental protection, farming and animal husbandry.

二要联系农牧业工作实际,突出重点,取得实效。Second, we must link the work of agriculture and animal husbandry practice, focus, practical results.

农牧业意味着可以有更多的后代,因为他们不必再带着孩子到处转了。Farming meant that people could have more offspring, as they no longer needed to carry their children with them.

马隔溪先生推论,这样农牧业都没有必要扩张侵入雨林区域来增加产出。Make this land more productive, Mr Maggi argues, and there is no need to push into the forest to increase output.

土地质量的好坏直接影响到农牧业生产效益和人们的生活质量。Agriculture and livestock production efficiency and human living quality are impacted directly by the land quality.

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农机化技术推广服务领域是农牧业和广大农牧区,服务对象是千家万户的农牧民群众。Farm mechanical technique extended service field are agriculture, animal husbandry and farming and animal pasture land.

公路部说服了各地企业界和农牧业的领袖,该计划轻而易举地获得通过,却给我造成了麻烦。The department sold it to the local business and farm leaders, and it passed rather handily, creating a problem for me.

农牧交错区的农牧业发展的生产费用与农牧业产出存在负反馈关系。The flow capital and agriculture-stock raising production in interlacing agro-pastoral region exist a negative feedback.

新西兰是一个以农牧业为经济支柱的国家,也是世界上农村教育最发达的国家之一。New Zealand is a country living on farming and herding, and also is one of the most developed countries in rural education.

多杀菌素在农牧业生产中具有广阔的应用前景,该产品的开发具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。Spinosad will be widely used in agriculture and stockbreeding, and its exploitation has good economic and societal benefit.

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本文分析了农牧交错带复合生态经济系统农牧业经济的特点。The paper study Farming and animal husbandry economics character of the ecological economy systems in the agro-pastoral region.

早在新石器时代,这里便有先民栖息繁衍,开始了以原始农牧业为主的定居生活。Early in the neolithic age, there were ancestors multiplying , starting a life mostly on original agriculture and animal husbandry.

文章还进一步讨论了区域农牧业发展所要解决的科学问题及其开发前景。It also discusses the scientific problems awaiting to be solved in regional agro pastoral development and prospectives of exploitation.