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母体可作为一种贮藏库。A mother's body serves as a reservoir.

他在母体内发育24周就出生了,重1磅12盎司。He was born at 24 weeks, weighing 1lb 12oz.

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采种母体之选择及维持。Maintenance and selection of parent stocks.

总有一种归隐母体的莫名冲动。Seclusion of a mother's inexplicable impulse.

在母体内生长,进而建立人体软组织。Take over the matrix, and then build a human tissue.

珍珠的颜色由于母体及其环境的不同而异。The colour varies with the mollusk and its environment.

从一棵母体植株上连根切下一个新苞蕾。Cut a new bud together with its roots from its parent plant.

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每个无性系都具有与母体相同的遗传信息。Each clone has the same genetic information as the original.

是他解放了第一批我们的人,告诉我们真相……他死后,大祭司预言他会回来——他会摧毁母体结束战争,给人们带来自由。It was he who freed the first of us, taught us the truth....

摘要民间美术是乡土艺术,是一切美术的母体。Folk art, an agrestic art, is the mother of all types of art.

对接枝母体胶料和丙烯酸单体进行了选择。Selection of master rubber and acrylic monomer was described.

也就是说,葫芦与女阴、女性及母体的观念直接相连。Clearly the gourd is identified with pudendum, female and wombs.

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从母体植物上取来的根可以再生长出新的灌木。New bushes can be reproduced form roots taken from parent plant.

铀母体与其衰变产物分离。The parent uranium has been partitioned from its decay products.

树枝上长出根来后把它从母体植株上切下来。When roots grow out from that branch, cut it from its parent plant.

母体卵子中的少数基因游离于核酸酶外。A small number of genes in the mother's egg set outside the nuclease.

母源性免疫即母体传递给子代的免疫力。Maternal immunity is the immunity transferred from mother to offspring.

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需要母体协助呼吸和获得营养等等。It needs the mother for respiration,for nutrients,and so forth and so on.

苏珊指导着因肯如何把小羊从挣扎不断的母体里拉扯出来。Susan instructed Inken on how to pull the lamb from its struggling mother.

她还在母体的子宫里的时候,腹中就已经埋下了卵子。An egg had lodged in her abdomenwhile she was still in her own mother's womb.