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而污染问题是更难避而不谈了。It is much harder to avoid its pollution.

美食界向来对这个秘密避而不谈。In food circles they talk of nothing else.

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换句话说,他们从不对其避而不谈。In other words, they don't shy away from it.

FSF避而不谈讨执行方案。The FSF shies away from discussing enforcement.

对于发生暴乱的问题,密尔顿先生照例是避而不谈。Mr Milton's answer to the question of the riot was a regular cop-out.

比如他只说强大权威的好处,却避而不谈,自由权的明智And he talked about strong authority underplaying judicious liberty,for example.

即便是在各方面都受他影响很深的大卫休谟,也对他避而不谈。Even David Hume , who was influenced quite a lot by Hobbes in various ways hardly mentions him.

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而被进一步追问他对这场运动和示威者的看法时,索罗斯避而不谈。Pressed further for his views on the movement and the protesters, Soros refused to be drawn in.

“他们总是想着那场地震,但又对此避而不谈”,傅医生说。"They are always thinking about the earthquake, but they avoid talking about it, " Dr. Fu says.

有时,我打算要她说出些她丈夫的情况,但她对此避而不谈。On one occasion, I tried to get her to say something about her husband, but she clammed up at that.

卡勒称,有两种情绪,也就是羞耻及罪恶感,会让我们对自己的财务状况避而不谈。Two emotions -- shame and guilt -- drive us away from conversations about our finances, Kahler says.

虽然人们对于失业的严重程度各持己见,但是关于短期内就业是否会出现增长的问题却避而不谈。While opinions differ about the severity of cuts, nobody's talking about job growth for the foreseeable future.

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对于自杀避而不谈反而会使有自杀风险的人感觉孤单、焦虑,不愿向别人求助。Avoidance leaves the person at risk feeling more alone and perhaps too anxious to risk asking someone else to help.

我还是决定避而不谈关于市场营销的常规讨论,转而讨论一个关于赠送礼物的周末。I decided to deviate from my normal discussion of marketing and advertising to discuss a major gift giving holiday.

谈话中,很显然她选择了优雅地避而不谈那些她的囚禁者们强加给她的主题。In conversation, it is evident that she chooses gracefully to evade the categories imposed upon her by her captors.

〈在一起〉即是妥协的作品,对于政府长期掩盖艾滋病患者和携带者的事实,影片避而不谈。“Together, ” which was submitted to censors, avoids mentioning the government’s long cover-up of H.I.V. and AIDS in China.

多个月以来,帕丁森一直对恋情避而不谈,最后还是打破沉默承认他们的恋爱关系。After refusing to comment on their relationship for months, Pattinson finally broke his silence and admitted they were an item.

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王婆卖瓜的典故大家都听说过,每一家公司都倾向于展示自身最完美的一面,对于不足之处则尽可能避而不谈。All companies tend to demonstrated the best side of their product and technology, and avoid their shortcomings during the show.

他从他们之间的上一次通话中感觉到有些事情不对劲,但是当他向泰瑞问起时,泰瑞避而不谈。He had sensed in their last conversation that something was wrong, but when he asks her about it, Teri avoids revealing anything.

在一起〉即是妥协的作品,对于政府长期掩盖艾滋病患者和携带者的事实,影片避而不谈。“Together,” which was submitted to censors, avoids mentioning the government's long cover-up of H. I. V. and AIDS in China. And Mr.