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不,你正好知道。No,you just know.

我正好认识他。I just knowed him.

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正好打在他的脸上!Right in his face!

它正好落在我的怀里。It fell spang into my lap.

他正好击中了目标。He has just hitted the aim.

她的新衣服正好可身。Her new dress excited envy.

正好我是个喜食鱼者。But i just like eating fish.

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它正好悬挂在山崖上方。It just hung over the cliff.

正好适合自我喂养。Just right for self-feeding.

他的回答正好击中要害。His answer just hit the mark.

你的答案正好击中要害。Your answer just hit the mark.

现在别叫我停,我手气正好。Dont stop me now. Im on a roll.

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我保证,你发现地正好及时。I promise, you're just in time.

郭德纲正好符合这个模式。Mr. Guo seems to fit this mold.

慢游正好跟那有点像。Slow travel is a bit like that.

我们正好有你想要的东西。We have the very thing for you.

可是贝尔正好跑到他和高格之间。But Bel was between him and Gog.

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他和约翰正好是一对。He and John make a nice twosome.

这顶帽子正好配这件上衣。The hat is a match for the coat.

它正好是5磅。Which happens to weigh 5 pounds.