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现在,让我们将这个比喻推而广之,将它应用到你和你的生活。Let's take this metaphor, blow it up and apply it to you and your life.

新月的策略应该推而广之成为文学现代化的策略。Its method should be widely spreaded to stimulate the modernization of literature.

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他强烈警告,从目前的试验结果尚没有得出可推而广之的结论。He warns strongly that there is still no far-reaching conclusions from its results.

因此深圳的反仿冒工作付诸东流了,推而广之,中国的反仿冒工作也是如此。So go anti-counterfeiting efforts in Shenzhen and, by extension, in China as a whole.

倘若纳希德阁下的“富有远见”的想法获得世人的接受,那就可大为推而广之。Once Mr Nasheed's visionary notion gains acceptance, it could have far wider application.

另一个严重威胁是地区稳定,推而广之,那是关乎国际安全。Another serious threat is to regional stability and, by extension, international security.

王圣美的“右文说”也正是在“亦声”的基础上推而广之的。Sheng-Mei's "the right man, said, " It is also in "also sound" basis, by extension it all.

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采用专家系统进行故障隔离不仅可以用于电源系统,更可推而广之到整个飞机非航空电子系统。Expert System not only can be used in electric power system, but also in all non- avionics system.

当然,卡蒂瓦拉博士也认为,为确认这一结果并推而广之,还有很多工作要做。Yet much work remains to be done to confirm the results and to expand upon them, Dr. Khatiwala said.

然本文不仅仅是释钱,更欲将钱氏所提出的史学问题,推而广之,尽量说明。This essay, however, not only just to expound on Qian's thoughts but also amplifies the issues he raises.

或许,你应该将部门项目提高一个层次,在整个公司推而广之。Maybe it's time to take your divisional program to the next level and champion the initiative across the entire company.

一旦党派和谐被应用于医改法案的通过,这就会被永远地推而广之,参议院就会变成众议院。Once partisan reconciliation is used for this bill, it will be used for everything, now and forever. The Senate will be the House.

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推而广之,在现场识别低阻油气层中具有一定的实用价值。Through spreading and applying, it has a certain practic al value for the identification of the on-site low-resistivity pay zones.

至少我在讲座现场的时候,只是看和听了,没有想到硬是要归纳出可以推而广之的解读方式。I only watched and listened during the lecture, without forcing to conclude a kind of interpretation which would be generally useful.

你所聚焦的氏族结构,因此有着很大的潜在性,推而广之,我也向阅读这些对话的人提出忠告。The clan structure which you center has great potential in this way and by extension I am advising those who read the Dialogues as well.

把这个想法推而广之,当你登陆的时候,你可以看到朋友们的所有收藏,在其中找寻想要的东西。Then we expanded this to say hey maybe when you log on, you can see everything that all your friends have and search for things in there.

更糟糕的,塞缪尔揭示,克鲁格曼的推理如果被推而广之,会让克鲁格曼的理念永远颠扑不灭。Still worse, Samuel showed that Krugman's reasoning, if applied generally, would forever insulate Krugman's ideology from any refutation of any kind.

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推而广之,不同宗教信仰的新加坡人,将不能在相互信任、尊敬和了解的基础上,建立真正的友谊。This would in turn hinder the formation of genuine relationships built on solid trust, respect and understanding between Singaporeans of different faiths.

良好的修身形成良好的感应,推而广之,金融企业的全体成员便能处于一种“安”的环境中。To well cultivate one's morality can form the good induction, in the same way, all members in financial enterprises can be in a kind of "fit " Environment.

我自己的正常的扫描结果绝不意味着这种数据上可以建立一个可以推而广之的结论。My normal scan is by no means the kind of data one can base a sweeping conclusion on, but to me it suggests that someone climbing mountains for years around the U.