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阿克顿是个非常能干的人。Acton is an able man.

我女儿非常聪明能干,但是嫁了个没头脑的女婿。My daughter is very smart.

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他是一位多么能干的经理呀!He is capable of great villainies.

这是多能干细胞的一个例子。This is an example of pluripotency.

一个有进取心的认一定是个积极能干的人。An aggressive man must be a go-getter.

也就是这东西能干吗?对我有什么用?What can it do? What can it do for me?

斯卡拉是一个能干的国民公仆。Scala was a meritorious public servant.

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能干的男人造就能干的巾帼楷模。Capable men produce the capable woman ideal.

他确实拥有他的园林,这个能干的家伙。He really does own his wood, this able chap.

他的林子确实是属于他的,这个能干的家伙。He really does own his wood, this able chap.

他们都是能干而且正直的公仆。They were both able, honest public servants.

“我想安切洛蒂能干的不错,”他说。"I thought Ancelotti would do well, " he said.

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这些女电工真能干。These women electricians really know their job.

她完全象她姐姐一样的聪明能干。She' s every bit as clever and able as her sister.

我想这家的女主人一定是个勤劳能干的女人。I thought the housemistress is an industrious woman.

要尽力表现出聪明能干的样子。Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance.

一个能干的人比得过一群无用的人。One good qualified man is better than a score of men.

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聪明能干,异常勤勉You want people that are smart,incredibly hard-working.

伍尔西显然很聪明能干,对中情局局长一职也很感兴趣。Woolsey was clearly intelligent and interested in the job.

他是一个细致而能干的人,我相信他的能力。He is a careful and capable person. I trust his capability.