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元宵是有填充物的粘米面的小球。Tang Yuan Dumplings are a bolls of glutinous rice flour with Fillings.

“外面种植米面,我们这里种植所有食物,”他的妻子说。"Outside rice and flour, we grow all of our food here, " his wife added.

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他们公司年末发了米面油等物品,但是领导层发的是八百块的购物卡。They got rice, flour and oil as presents, while the leadership got 800 yuan shopping card.

饮食中除米面杂粮之外,可增加一些豆类、花生、乳制品等。In addition to rice grains in the diet, the increased number of beans, peanuts, dairy products.

文中给出了颗粒米面PVA吸附层厚度理论计算和实验测量方法。The theoretical calculation and the testing method of PVA adsorbed layer were given is this paper.

外出长了见识的熊克俭回村建了米面加工厂。Go out the Xiong Kejian that grew experience answered a village to build rice face processing factory.

世界第二大米面生产国印度已经禁止粮食出口。India, the world's second-biggest producer of rice and wheat, has banned shipments of the food grains.

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我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark.

南方人在新年喜欢吃年糕——一种用米面和糖做的茶色的米饼。Southerners like to ear Nian Gao, or "New Year Cake"-a sweet, sticky, brown cake made of rice flour and sugar.

结论辖区经销的食品中铝确有超标情况存在,其中海蜇中铝含量的超标率较高,其次是油炸米面类制品,对人体健康存在威胁。The over standard rate of Al in high in jellyfish, followed by fried rice and wheat. That situation threats people's health.

小区生活很方便,我们小区的菜场卖的东西很齐全,有卖肉的卖蔬菜的卖水果的豆制品鸡蛋等蛋类鱼类各种米面。The food market has a wide variety of things on sale, with many kinds of fish, meat, eggs, vegetable, fruit and bean products.

长治市古磨面业有限公司经营的米面类、石磨面粉、,绿色食品畅销消费者市场。Changzhi City, the ancient grinding of the rice industry, Limited trading as classes, stone flour, green-selling consumer market.

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行耶和华他神眼中看为恶的事。先知耶利米以耶和华的话劝他,他仍不在耶利米面前自卑。He did evil in the eyes of the Lord his God and did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke the word of the Lord.

长治市古磨面业有限公司经销的米面类、石磨面粉、,绿色食品品种齐全、价格合理。Changzhi City Co. , Ltd. ancient grinding rice distribution class, stone flour, green food variety is complete, at reasonable prices.

元宵是用粘米面做的,里边有馅,有肉馅,草莓酱,芝麻等。可以水煮,也可以油炸。Dumplings are made of glutinous rice flour with stuffed fillings such as meat, strawberry jam, sesame etc. It can be boiled or fried.

孟加拉军方为帮助政府缓解国内大米和小麦的紧缺,下令改变士兵伙食结构,将米面替换为该国盛产的土豆。More than half a million Bangladeshi troops have been ordered to eat potatoes in an attempt to ease the impact of surging rice and wheat prices.

给出了高压下费米面移动、能带展宽和各晶位原子价变化的定量结果。The quantitative results about shift of Fermi surface, widening of energy band width and varying of atomic valence of each crystal site are given.

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结论在内科综合抢救治疗基础上及时配合PE治疗,是减少酵米面中毒病死率的重要措施。Conclusion The internal combined modality therapy associated with PE treatment are major methods for the treatment of ferment corn flour poisoning.

根据风俗习惯,当地人会立鸭蛋,蒸糯米饭以及制作米面的雕塑来迎接立夏。It is a folk custom for local people to pickle duck's eggs, make glutinous rice and rice flour sculptures to greet "lixia", the beginning of summer.

含盐高的食品有冷藏包装的食品,快餐,加工过的肉类如午餐肉,酱汤,精制米面。Especially high in sodium are packaged frozen and snack foods, processed meats like luncheon meats, soy sauce, soups, prepared pasta, and rice mixes.