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抱歉,这是那门子的赢局?I'm sorry, how is this a win?

门子的后面有一把扫帚。Behind the door there is a broom.

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那算那门子名字?What about the name Cookie?Cookie?

那算是那门子狗屁梦想?!What kind of cockamamie dream is that?

德拉身材苗条,已精通了这门子艺术。Della, being slender, had mastered the art.

德拉身材苗条,已精通了这门子艺术。Della, being slender , had mastered the art.

也可称之为换“门子”、送牌等。Also called for "Siemens", sent cards and so on.

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他拉关系、找门子以便找到一份报酬好的工作。He exploits the connection to get a well-paid job.

但这是那门子的乌托邦,要靠武力维持?But what kind of a utopia is it which is kept by force?

装舱时,这个门子一定是撞在某处了。The door must have bumped somewhere while being loaded.

装舱时,这个门子一定是撞在某处了。事实上游戏机。The door must have bumped somewhere while receiving loaded.

单门子万用乾坤袋只出一次东西。Single Menzi curious universal bag only appears things for one time.

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看来这件事情非得找找门子才能办成了。This matter can be accomplished only by soliciting help through social connections.

你算哪个恶鬼门子的骑士,用光腚都杀不死一只刺猬?What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?

注意清灰口门子上的垫子,如有破损,应及时更换。Clean the cushion of the ash-discharge door. If it is worn out, replace it by anew one.

她们可以去邻居家串串门子,到镇上购物,在学校、图书馆或教堂里找个差事做。They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.

某门子迟迟不打,这家伙一定此门的牌甚多,别任意丢那门的牌。Some doors was too slow to play, the guy must be the door CARDS very much, don't lose any CARDS at the door.

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我公司已与斯论贝谢、门子等国际著名公司建立长期包租合作关系。We have established long-term rental relation with world famous companies like Schlumberger, Siemens, and so on.

约莫过了半琖茶功夫,那门子出来引众人进去,牡丹一路进去,方知幽雅之处。Approximately led a half tea exertion, namely son comes out to lead public go in, the peony goes in all the way, the square knows tranquil and enjoyable area.

不喜欢只说不干、拉关系跑门子的人,最讨厌为了个人私利不惜牺牲党和人民利益的人。Do not like just rhetoric, Latin America ran Siemens are the most annoying for personal gain at the expense of the interests of the party and the people were.