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全书依实际调查现况分为11章,1。导言。In total, the book has 11 chapters.

本文由导言、五章及结语几部分组成。This paper consists of Perface, Five Chapters and End.

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本文除导言外共分四章。This dissertation consists of four independent chapters.

本文除导言外分四章。The essay is divided into four chapters except the Preface.

全文除导言外共分四章。The thesis consists of four parts apart from the introduction.

文章正文42000字,由导言和四章构成。There are about 42000 words in this article made up of five parts.

本文除导言和结语外,主体部分有六章构成。Except for the leadin and epilogue, the paper includes six chapters.

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作为导言,有必要陈述该理论的一些公设。As a preamble , it is necessary to state some assumptions of the theory.

对于这一理论高奇在他1821年著作的导言中说得非常明白。About this theory Cauchy is very explicit in his introduction to the 1821 work.

导言本章介绍了如何创建纹理采样器和适用于形状。This chapter describes how to create a texture sampler and apply it to a shape.

本论文分为导言和三部分共八章的正文内容。This essay is divided into an introduction and three parts, including eight chapters.

这个谜一般的问题是我能想到的大学生物科的最好的导言。This mystery is the best introduction I can think of to biological science in college.

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导言读到中途,我突然发现自己说不出一首济慈诗作的名字。Halfway through the introduction it struck me that I couldn’t name a single Keats poem.

这里在导言部分,权且以非科学的方式将这些形式当作既定的形式。Here in the introduction they could only be unscientifically assumed as something given.

因而导言内容包含了质量体系法规目的意义的真知灼见。Thus, the preamble contains valuable insight into the meaning and intent of the QS regulation.

每篇文章都应该有导言和结论,但是这些段落不应该千篇一律。Every paper should have an introduction and conclusion, but these should not mirror each other.

全文由导言、正文和结语组成,共计四万余字。Full-text from the introduction, body and conclusion composed of a total of more than 40000 words.

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这本著作的英文版译者罗德尼•尼达姆在译文导言中对该著作进行了致命的批评。The translator of English edition Rodney Needham puts deadly criticisms on it in the introduction.

导言是文章的首段,应达到一下几个目的。The introduction is the first paragraph in your essay, and it should accomplish a few specific goals.

导言部分主要论述了本文的研究缘起、意义、学术前史、主旨与价值。The preface mainly dwells on the study origin, meaning, previous study, main idea and academic value.