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湘绣赢得了声望与日俱增。Xiang Embroidery gained popularity day by day.

湘绣以其华丽的颜色而闻名。Xiang Embroidery is famous for its rich colors.

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湘绣以绣虎出名。Xiang embroidery is famous with embroider tiger.

湘绣湘绣是中国四大名绣之一。Hunan embroidery is one of the four famous embroideries in China.

湘绣是湖南省传统手工艺产品,也是湖南的一个文化品牌。Xiang Embroidery is a traditional handicraft and cultural brand of Hunan province.

过去两千年多年的发展,湘绣成为本地艺术的特殊分支。Developing over two thousands years, Xiang Embroidery became a special branch of the local art.

在湘绣最有说服力的证据是第马王堆汉墓中出土。The most persuasive evidence of Xiang Embroidery is the articles unearthed in Mawangdui Han Tomb.

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作为中国四大名绣之一的湘绣,向来以历史悠久,工艺精湛,风格独特而闻名海内外。Xiang embroidery is well known for its time-honored history, excellent craftsmanship and unique style.

在壁纸和草编上,湘绣大师李艳绣出了色彩丰富、很有寓意的时尚绣品。Liyiang, a master had drawn some rich color and moral of fashion embroideries in the wallpaper and straw.

在湘绣的独特性在于它是后一画图案草案,但也没有得到限制。The uniqueness of Xiang Embroidery is that it is patterned after a painting draft, but is not limited by it.

本文全面梳理湘绣的历史、发展情况,并对湘绣的技艺题材、材料、审美形式作分探讨。The paper tells the Xiang embroidery's history, evolution, and analyzes its subjects, materials and aesthetic types.

中国刺绣主要有苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣和粤绣四大门类。Chinese embroidery are Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, Sichuan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery four categories.

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苏绣以其极为精美的绣品而闻名,湘绣以其富丽的颜色而知名,粤绣则以其复杂的花样而家喻户晓。Suzhou embroidery is famous for its extremely delicate stitches, Xiang for its rich colors, Yue for its complicated patterns.

湘绣首要以纯丝、硬缎、软缎、尼纶等为质料,配以各色的丝绒线绣制而成。Xiang embroidery uses pure silk, hard satin, soft satin and nylon as its material, which is connected with colorful silk threads.

湘绣历史悠久,可追溯到二千多年前的春秋战国时期。Xiang embroidery has a long history and can be dated to the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period more than two thousands years ago.

此外,在其他风格的刺绣看到了共同的话题,湘绣吸收了书法,绘画和碑文内容。Besides the common topics seen in other styles of embroidery, Xiang Embroidery absorbed elements from calligraphy, painting and inscription.

柳建新表示,自己最大的心愿,就是希望有更多的优秀人才能够终身从事这个行业,将湘绣永远地传承发展下去。Liu Jianxin expresses her greatest wish in life that there will be more and more embroidery talents inheriting Hunan embroidery for lifetime.

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此后经过漫长的发展,湘绣逐渐将国画的传统特点引入其中,从而形成了自身的独特风格。During the long process of development, Xiang embroidery adopted the techniques used in traditional Chinese painting and formed its own unique style.

与其他几个绣种相比,湘绣的艺术风格独树一帜,是一门讲究“以针当笔、以线运色”的魔术般的艺术。Using colorful threads to embroider different designs, and showing a gradual change in color with a rich, harmonious tone, every single product is a work of art.

也许是因为这种技术,在湘绣,花似乎欢送香味,似乎鸟唱,老虎似乎运行,一个人似乎呼吸。Perhaps because of this technique, in Xiang Embroidery, a flower seems to send off fragrance, a bird seems to sing, a tiger seems to run, and a person seems to breathe.