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但中国并不想急于求成。But China does not want to rush.

他太急于求成。He was too impatient for success.

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但我的感觉是他们过于急于求成。But I have the impression they are getting too ambitious.

我们属于急于求成的一代人。We belong to a generation that wants to see the results of our work.

一个人向你这样急于求成是不会有很快进步的。A man in such a hurry as you are to get results seldom learns quickly.

“我从不急于求成,”穷人说,“尤其是我从不贪多。"I never rush. " the man said "Most of all, I never wish for too much.

最后,对杨森的急于求成和强制政策要给予批评。Finally, the Yang Sen's over-anxious and compulsory policy should be criticized.

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布拉戈耶维奇承认,他的管理风格急躁,有时候过于急于求成。Mr.Blagojevich conceded he had an impatient governing style and 'sometimes I push too much.

布拉戈耶维奇承认,他的管理风格急躁,有时候过于急于求成。Mr. Blagojevich conceded he had an impatient governing style and 'sometimes I push too much.

我们不急于求成,改革要循序渐进地推进。We are not in a rush for quick results, since the reform should advance gradually in due order.

即便你们已经有了个缓慢的开始,你还得确保关系的进展也维持在你能接受的范围内,别急于求成。Even as you start slow, you should keep the relationship on a pace you are comfortable with. Don't rush!

同时,在共同能源政策的目标设定上,也有急于求成之嫌。What should also be pointed out is that the goal-setting for the Common Energy Policy was too pushy and hasty.

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他们告诉我要保持耐心,不要太急于求成,在每次都做到正确,保持专注于我们所作的事上。They tell me to be patient, not to rush it, do the right things every single time and stay focused on what we do.

人一浮躁,就会急于求成,于是,再聪明的人,都难以耐得住“香蕉”的诱惑。A person a blundering, will be eager to hope for success, then, again clever man, can withstand the lure of the banana.

保持一种热情洋溢和积极进取的态度,但是不要表现的急于求成,并且不要谈论找工作的艰辛。Keep an enthusiastic and positive attitude, don't come across as too eager or discuss the difficulty of the job market.

不要急于求成,在做出任何决定之前都要好好考虑所有的方面。Don't overextend yourself in the process. You need to take a good look at all sides of an issue before making a decision.

从毕业到工作是一个难产的过程,急于求成未免太过于不可能,别怕我的的朋友,从容就好。From graduation to work is a difficult process, be anxious for success is too impossible, don't be afraid of my friend, calmly.

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这些是我们做出明智决定和避免急于求成陷阱里的基础,这样我们才真正知道如何“改善天空”。Such are the grounds for making informed decisions and avoiding the pitfalls of rushing forward, claiming we know how to "fix the sky.

虽然有时看起来急于求成湖人,我敢说草率,但他们在进攻端的自信给了我希望。Though at times the Lakers looked overanxious, and dare I say sloppy, but their assertiveness on the offensive end gave me hope again.

“揠苗助长”“这个成语,现在多写成”“拔苗助长”“,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄遭。This idiom is now often written . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.