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美托洛尔和非洛地平位次相对稳定。The places of metoprolol and felodipine was relatively stable.

对我们来说位次并不如从球员身上得到反馈来得重要。For us the position isn't as important as the response from the players.

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如我一再强调,我对我们在创意排行榜上的位次很是失望。As I have repeatedly said, I remain disappointed by our standings in the creative leagues.

我们在起步时候需要去争取更靠前的位次以便于能够争取上领奖台。We knew before the race we needed to gain some places at the start to be able to fight for the podium.

一件物品在这个表单的位次越靠下,就越容易吸引更多的电子而带负电。The lower an item sits on the list, the more likely it will attract more electrons and become negatively charged.

老虎队本赛季仅输了一场,会排在首位,并且在多数比赛后还能保持这个位次。The Tigers had lost only once this season and the team was able to take the lead and hold it for most of the game.

今年,阿尔诺的净资产出现了大幅缩水,这名LVMH集团董事长在榜单上的位次也下降到了第65位。This year, although his net worth rose dramatically, the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy chairman dropped to No. 65 on the power list.

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我想是因为在这条赛道上,发车位次是一个关键性的因素。”队友马萨没有取得自己在土耳其的四连冠,最终位列第六。Team-mate Felipe Massa was unable to score his fourth consecutive win in Turkey, the Brazilian having to settle for a distant sixth.

约翰潘特西尔在下半场的乌龙球帮助红军在安菲尔德以1比0拿下了比赛,他们也在积分榜上攀升了四个位次。The Reds lifted themselves four places with a 1-0 win secured thanks to a John Pantsil own goal early in the second half at Anfield.

元代宗庙神主的位向与位次排列亦有一定历史与经典依据,万氏的指斥也有片面之处。The positions and position arrangement of Yuan temple gods have some historical and classical traces, so Wan's criticism was biased.

但这并不仅仅是指比尔·盖茨位次的下降,某种意义上说,第22届全球富豪榜年度排名的变化,反映了过去一年里全球市场的各种动荡。But not just because of Gates' fall. The 22nd annual rankings of the World's Billionaires reflects all sorts of upheavals in the list's makeup.

在排定用餐位次时,主位一般应请女主人就座,而男主人则须退居第二主位。When dining seating arrangement in scheduled, emic generally should please the hostess, male host sit back while the second principal shall place.

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各地区所在地理区位特征存在一致性,各地市旅游资源丰度与密度的位次排序不一致。All this is identical with their respective geographical features, the order of each city's tourism resources' abundance and density is not identical.

面对这种质量相关排行的位次下滑和召回车辆的激增,丰田章男的支持者将其归咎为之前非丰田家族成员的不当管理。Mr. Toyoda's supporters blame the slippage in relative quality rankings -- as well as the sharp rise in recalls -- on the company's previous non-family managers.

第一作者低龄化及各序位作者平均年龄依位次后移而递增的合作模式。The third is the collaborative pattern, which shows that the first author are younger comparatively and average age of the authors are increasing in terms of rank.

在英国的富人榜单上,他上升了40个位次,成为第398名最富有的人。He has jumped 40 places in the Rich List to become the 398th wealthiest man in Britain – and he will next week announce another three-year, £20million deal with ITV.

担保物权的位次性是解决同一标的物上并存数个同类担保物权的情况下何者优先受偿的问题。The precedence of guaranty real right solves the problem of which one is the first when there are several guaranty real rights of the same kind on the same subject matter.

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去年以来,该行各项业务经营指标始终保持强劲增长势头,位次在全市农行直线上升。Since last year, this each business management index maintains driving growth momentum from beginning to end, seating arrangement rises sharply in whole town Agriculture Bank.

1月22日,由德勤咨询公司发布的本年度足球财富榜里,在全球前20名之内的四所意大利俱乐部当中,有三所至少下降了一个位次。In this year's Football Money League, published on January 22nd by Deloitte, a consulting firm, three of the four Italian clubs in the worldwide top 20 dropped at least one position.

从结构上看,两地间主要以垂直型产业内贸易为主,间接地反映了中国内地在国际分工中仍处于较低的位次。The vertical intra-industry trade is the main trade type between the two which indirectly shows that mainland China has comparatively low position in international division of labor.