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它只是你的豚鼠!It is just your guinea pig!

我们都将是实验中的小豚鼠。We will all be guinea pigs.

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要求是非常苛刻的豚鼠。Claim it is very harsh on cavies.

豚鼠需要空间,以步行或运行。Cavies need space to walk or run around.

方法应用豚鼠诱导EAE动物模型。Methods EAE were induced in guinea pigs.

认为不好的为您和坏的为豚鼠。That's bad for you and bad for the cavy.

安妮,你看过豚鼠特工队吗?Anne, have you ever seen the movie G-Force?

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这些豚鼠实在是很可爱、很聪明。Those guinea pigs are quite cute and clever.

豚鼠皮肤未见过敏反应。Guineapigs skin didnt appear allergic reaction.

兔子与豚鼠也不能反胃。Neither rabbits nor guinea pigs can vomit either.

方法应用牛周围神经MBP免疫豚鼠建立EAN动物模型。Methods Guinea pigs EAN model was established by MBP.

这时,又一只豚鼠喝起彩来,又被制止了。Here the other guinea-pig cheered, and was suppressed.

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那么鹦鹉、豚鼠、猫或者宠物貂呢?What about your cockatoo, guinea pig, cat or pet ferret?

不添加任何药物到豚鼠的饮用水中。Do not add any medications to your cavy's drinking water.

这部电影可能会带起一股宠物豚鼠热潮吧。The film may be brought off an upsurge of bar pet guinea pigs.

目的建立FMMU白化豚鼠类鼻疽动物模型。Objective To establish melioidosis model of FMMU albino guinea pig.

通鼻胶囊对豚鼠变态反应性鼻炎有一定的抑制作用。CONCLUSION Tongbi capsule has inhibitory action on allergic rhinitis.

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目的改良豚鼠灌胃给药的方法。Objective To modify the method of gavage administration in guinea pigs.

方法以TDI为致敏原,对豚鼠行鼻内给药法建立鼻超敏反应模型。Methods TDI was used to prepare the AR model among guinea pigs at first.

方法以卵白蛋白致敏豚鼠制备哮喘模型。Methods Experimental asthma model of guinea pigs was induced by ovalbumin.