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你会设立一个信托基金吗?Should you set up a trust?

他们在纽约设立了总部。They head-quartered in New York.

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他设立了二十二个特别工作组。He set up twenty-two task forces.

它上面设立了一个观光塔。It has a sightseeing tower on it.

园内设立骨灰存放处。Park set up the ashes repository.

是否应设立专利池?Should there be "patent pooling"?

你是否设立了增值包价?Have you set up value-add packages?

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联合国通过决议在利比亚设立禁飞区。UN SC okays no-fly zone over Libya.

选择其中一个,设立你的紧急资金。Make one of them your emergency fund.

一项为孤儿设立的基金即将建立起来。A fund will be set up for the orphans.

若何才能跟你们设立记帐户头呢?How can we set up an account with you?

证券投资者保护公司依国会法案设立SIPC was set up by an act of Congress.

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设立不起诉听证制度等。Set up non-prosecution hearing system.

正如标题所暗示的,设立一个标准。As setting the standard, The Criterion.

这就是设立了短期的目标带来的后果。That's short-term goal-setting for you.

但如今,以色列民却要将会幕固定地设立在示罗。But now the Tabernacle was to be set up.

你知道司法部设立在哪儿吗?Do you know where the judiciary fits in?

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我想要去在翻译者身上设立。I wish to go to institute on the translator.

考虑设立一个第一名称访问者页面。Consider creating a first-name visitors page.

他问的是教皇职位的设立。He asked about the institution of the papacy.