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跑切线的路线。Run the tangents.

公交车路线容量?。Capacity of Bus Line?

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后来,党的路线发生了变化。Then the line changed.

我们的路线是向正北。Our course was due north.

哪一条是最慢的路线?Which is the slowest way?

可以选择我自己的路线。I can choose my own route.

他的话就是党的路线。His word is the party line.

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我看了一下潮水的路线。I look the way of tidewater.

哪条公交路线经过那里?What bus line goes by there?

认同了沃尔克路线。appointed the Volker course.

按巡回路线进行检讨。Make a walk-around inspection.

这就是时间的行走路线?Is it the stepped route of time?

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按巡回路线进行检查。Make a walk-around inspection. e!

一定要坚持走群众路线。The mass line must be adhered to.

用彩笔描出路线。Trace the way with a coloured pen.

但是他们采取的是错误路线。But they are taking the wrong path.

改变你的跑步时间和路线。Change your run time or your route.

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我已经告诉他到这里的路线了。I gave him directions to come here.

我像创业一般对待这条路线。I treat this course like a startup.

这是金街路线的入口。It's the King Street Line entrance.