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埃及乱糟糟的。Egypt is a mess.

屋子里乱糟糟的。The room is in a mess.

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他所有的书乱糟糟地堆在书桌上。All his books lumbered on the desk.

房子,乱糟糟的床,孩子们的游戏of husband, rumpled beds, children's games

这个接口看上去乱糟糟的.The interface looks messy and is visually cluttered.

他把衣服乱糟糟地塞进塑胶袋。He thrust clothes higgledy-piggledy into plastic bags.

你工作的空间不能乱糟糟的。You will need all of your work space free from clutter.

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这个房间乱糟糟的,你该收拾一下了。This room is a mess. It's about time you tidied up a bit.

他头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法。The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.

更别说当时我的头发乱糟糟的,而且我因为流汗而全身充满异味。Not to mention the fact my hair was mussed and I was all smelly from sweat.

满山谷的大石头像被巨人乱糟糟地乱扔一样。A whole valley of boulders tossed higgledy-piggledy as though by some giant.

另外一个有点看头的“圈量子引力”,也还是乱糟糟。Other potential avenues, such as loop quantum gravity, are also proving untidy.

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电视机的遥控器,影碟机和电线只是把一切弄得乱糟糟。With TVs come remotes, DVD players and wires, which all equal a recipe for clutter.

连我的脑子里都是乱糟糟的,可想而知这一夜对阿尔芒来说是多么漫长啊!Judging by the thoughts which assailed me, it must have been a long night for Armand.

那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、气丛生、寞、个人彻底的精疲力竭。These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy , lonely, and utterly exhausted.

那些日子真是参透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、气丛生、寞、个人彻底精疲力竭。These are miserable days when you fell lousy, grumpy , lonely, and utterly exhausted.

只带你需要的东西。乱糟糟的车子是危险的。Only take what you will need for your road trip. A cluttered vehicle can become a hazard.

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我刚洗过澡,浴室里乱糟糟的,你能稍微收拾一下浴室吗?I just had a bath and it is a mess in the bathroom. Could you clean the bathroom a little?

过厅充满了一片乱糟糟的喧嚣和醉汉嘶哑的喘息声。The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken, husky gasping.

很奇妙的生化宝宝洗浴品,能让我宝宝乱糟糟的头发变得服贴。Fantastic biodegradable baby wash! Great for taming my baby's frizzy hair too! Smells Great.