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在一个地方用膳。Eat at a place.

您想房内用膳服务吗?Do you need room service?

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房内用膳,我可以进来吗?Room Service, may I come in?

并制定一致的用膳时间。And set consistent meal times.

你会在该餐厅花多少钱用膳?How much money do you spend on your lunch?

在这个营地,只有军官集中用膳。In this camp,only the officers mess together.

科学用膳食,胜过活神仙!Science with a meal is better than living god!

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还要点其他的话,请拨打“7”房内用膳服务。For more orders, please dial "7" for Room Service.

你在一星期到该餐厅用膳多少次?How many time do you go to the restaurant in a week?

那位传授有时在学生餐厅用膳。The professor sometimes dines at the student canteen.

你会用多少钱在该食肆用膳?。How much do you spend on that restaurant for a LUNCH ?

为何你讨厌至茶餐厅用膳?。Why don't you like The Eastern and Western Restaurant ?

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你喜欢到茶餐厅用膳吗?。Do you like visiting the Eastern and Western Restaurant?

费用包括了早,午,晚三餐在酒店的餐馆用膳。We serve three meals, free of charge, at the Restaurant.

赶快去洗漱,洗漱完了出来用膳!Wash Shu in a moment, bathed Shu to finish out to take meal!

招待用膳是一个有技巧的工作,需要精心训练。Waiting at table is a skilled job, requiring careful training.

对了,今儿个怎么到这时候还没用膳?To, how does the son arrive a by this time still useless food now?

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多吃点本地出土的美食,少到“吃到饱”餐厅用膳。More locally sourced fine dining, then, less all-you-can-eat buffet.

联谊会各会员得以记账方式于书院教职员餐厅用膳。Association members are entitled to open accounts at the staff dining room.

你和你的仆人与我一同用膳,我们继续探讨这个问题。You and your servant there shall dine with me, and we shall further discuss.