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带有果味、花香味和辛辣味的果茶。A blend of fruits, flowers and spices.

辣味就是后天学来的味觉。Chillis are an unusual acquired taste.

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而且您知道我一直喜欢辣味的食物啊。And you know that I always like hot food.

我喜欢吃辣味的食物,尤其是川菜。I like hot food,especially Sichuan cuisine.

我喜欢辣味豆子,用豆子做汤或者做成玉米面豆卷。I like them in chili, soups, tacos and more.

花椒是以其辣味和芳香味为主。Pepper its spicy and aromatic flavor is based.

你把辣味都掺进我的清汤里了!You're getting that hot stuff in my mild broth!

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丰富与持久的果味,辣味,矿产香气。It's full of fruity, piquancy and mineral spice.

李子和辛辣味在鼻子底下表现明显,浓郁且丰富。Black plums and spice on the nose, deep and rich.

⊙、老姜辣味大,老人经验多。Ginger spicy is big, the old man more experience.

味觉上能感受到中度的蜂蜜香和轻微的辛辣味。The palate is moderately honeyed and tenderly spicy.

今天的烤生肉和炒辣味蟹都很好。The roast beef and deviled crab are very good today.

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你只需加点辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies.

辛辣波旁桃酱风味的辣味牛肋排Spice-Rubbed Flank Steak With Spicy Peach-Bourbon Sauce

不同种类的辣椒的辣味也不同。The different sorts of chilli pep pers vary in pungency.

在红辣椒里,辣椒素是辣味的始作俑者。In chilies, capsaicin is what makes them spicy and “hot.”

边上备有一点芥末,可增加辣味。A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.

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这种小吃一般带有甜味、酸味或者辣味。The snack is typically served with sweet, sour, or spicy sauces.

不管是拌着鸡肉吃的甜味调味料,还是和着牛肉的辣味的,我都能做出来。I could do a sweet one for chicken and a spicy one for the steak.

店中也有一些辣味的菜肴,但是野山菌的瓦罐汤则没有辣味的。There are very few spicy dishes, but wild mushroom hot pot is one.