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因此他的山水、人物画形态恣肆,不拘绳墨。Therefore, his landscape painting patterns Zisi, shengmo.

因此他的山水、人物画形态恣肆,不拘绳墨。Therefore, hes landscape, figure painting patterns Zisi, informal Shengmo.

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他的作品元气淋漓、恣肆纵逸,功力很深而又脱尽窠臼。His works, vigorous and unrestricted, reveal his profound attainment and ingenuity.

幼年学书,十分刻苦。他的书法热情奔放、豪迈恣肆。He studied calligraphy diligently while a child, and his style was mannerly and bold.

因为他们的身体里正汪洋着恣肆的荷尔蒙、力比多这样的激素。That's because there are incretions flowing in their bodies such as Hormone and Libido.

近距离观察野牛会使人生疑,就像看到一场失控的大火即将恣肆于草原。Watching bison up close is mesmerizing, like watching a grass fire about to leap out of control.

他的情感的恣肆狂热,也打动了我们那颗蒙着面纱的心---即居于幽深角落里的新娘。And the impetuosity of his passion also moved our veiled heart-bride in the seclusion of her corner.

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那些任性而恣肆的笔墨狂舞,分明是一种可以把瞬间转化为永恒的长歌。The lyrical dance of the calligraphy brush and ink subtly change the transient into an unending song.

即使是处身最异乎寻常、最意想不到的地方,这些艺术家也能拍摄出灵感恣肆的照片。Even from the most unusual and unexpected places, these artists find captures overflowing with inspirational energy.

这类作品有此二者,便是真正具有率性恣肆之美的艺术作品,应该大加肯定和赞扬。If art"s works have two conditions, it is really art"s works of the frankness and the unruliness, they would great, affirm and praise.

他的小说,密集而刺目地铺陈着鲜血和暴力,浓烈而恣肆地暴露和渲染着苦难。His novels are filled densely and strikingly with blood and violence which strongly and licentiously exposes and portrays the tribulation.

这三种激情,又如飓风,在深广的生死苦海之上,恣肆地驱使我任意东西,让我感到无力抗拒而濒临绝望的边缘。These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

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本文重点分析论述了道家思想对汉赋的影响,认为道家哲学思想及文学特质不仅影响了汉赋以大为美、以奇谲恣肆为美。The article analyzes the influence of Taoism on Han Fu and believes that not only do the Taoist philosophy and literature affect the aesthetic interest of Han Fu in greatness?

我们需要用那种文化的底蕴来滋养我们的性情,那些从沅湘之水翩流而下走到今天的楚文化,应该还有它的性灵在今天恣肆飞扬。We need to use that kind of culture to nourish our temperament, those from Hunan Province Water Pina and flow up to today's Chu culture, should have its soul in his flying today.

率性恣肆表现出来是一种无视规范、不守法度,但这仅仅是一种表面现象。But this is only phenomenon of surface study to discover, there are one kind of the potential rule method that deeply hide and deeply bury into characters and temperaments of the Artists.