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他喜欢大排场地招待女友。He likes to treat his date in a big way.

德国人是喜欢在圣诞节铺排场面的。The Germans love to make a great display at Christmas.

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在中国,还不如一些有钱人的排场。It's big, but not as big as some wealthier people in China.

她说她从来不想当王后,但她对那种豪华排场却情有独钟!She never wanted to be queen, she said – but how she loved the trappings!

然后,他已婚,有很大的排场和显示他的六个大女儿的。Then he married them with great pomp and display to his six eldest daughters.

两周前意大利很排场地庆祝了150周年统一纪念。TO MUCH fanfare, Italy celebrated 150 years since its unification two weeks ago.

马克西姆餐厅的排场虽然大,但也并非是绝对消费不起的。Maxim restaurant While ostentation, but it is not absolutely can not afford anything.

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礼仪排场是人制定的,真性流露的哀伤,才是自然的来自自性的。People set up the ritual play but grief expressed by genuineness is from self-nature.

还是说,这位朋友爱交游喜风趣,招待客人讲究排场,还有赌博的雅兴?Or a convivial, witty friend, who entertained with style and had a taste for gambling?

壮观的发丧队伍。我们拍的这户人家是属于贫困户。富裕人家的排场更是吓死人。The spectacular line. The scene is more imposing when the dead one is from a rich family.

这个可怜的家伙破产了,因为他的妻子总是同左邻右舍比排场、比阔气。The poor fellow went broke because his wife was always trying to keep up with the Joneses.

但是随着她家经济状况的好转,她又回到了更大的排场。But as her family's finances improved, Christmas went back to being a much bigger production.

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最简单的方法是把他们排场一排,但是这是回答一个错误问题的做法。The simplest answer is to put them in a row. But this is a simple answer to the wrong question.

真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华不讲究噱头的。A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance for luxury, and more over hokum.

据路透社报道,如今美国富人的婚礼少了些排场,多了些温情。Weddings for America's wealthy these days feature less caviar and more compassion, Reuters reported.

真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华更不讲究矫柔造作。A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and more over for hokum.

中国各银行正面临信贷过剩及邓刂试图节制信贷规模的场所排场。China's lenders are dealing with an over-abundance of credit and the government's attempts to rein it in.

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在2000年,EPA的官员试图对发电厂的废物排场采取更严格的控制。In 2000, Environmental Protection Agency officials tried to issue stricter controls on power plant waste.

而且,在中国,对双方父母而言,婚礼讲的是排场。Also, in China a wedding ceremony is largely a way for the couple`s parents to demonstrate their financial status.

她具有寻求解放的斗士的悟性,更排场的生活向她发出了诱人的光辉。She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy life was not lost upon her.