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汤类和一些其他的食品都是用木豆做成的。Soups and other foods are made with dal.

人们会在节日中供奉一些木豆菜和米饭等食物。Specific foods like dal and rice are also offered.

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孩子们只能吃到陈面包,我们买不到木豆,因为木豆价格已经翻倍,我们根本买不起。Kids here just eat stale bread. We can't get dal, prices have doubled.

木豆也是牛羊和家兔饲料的重要原料。Pigeonpea is also a valuable source fodder for cattle, goats and rabbits.

4年后,种植木豆的面积增加到60,000公顷。Four years later, the total area planted to pigeonpeas increased to 60,000 ha.

非素食者可以用炖鸡代替木豆,都是一种蛋白质来源。Non-vegetarians can substitute dal with chicken stew, both a source of proteins.

目的建立木豆叶中牡荆苷的含量测定方法。Objective To establish a method for the determination of in Folium Cajani by HPLC.

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从而证实了八个木豆品种遗传基础接近,具有较近的亲缘关系。It further proved that they had a narrow genetic basis, and showed a close genetic relationship.

这就是为什么很多印度的老人想要烹饪印度木豆而非其它的小扁豆的原因。That is why many people of Indian ancestry want to cook with Indian dal instead of other lentils.

通过地点效应分析确定,类似于泸水县的环境较适宜木豆栽培。The analysis on the domino effect of site showed the ideal environment like Lushui for pigeonpea cultivation.

印度木豆的短缺可以归究于不好的收成。有报告说人们开始抑制供应。A poor harvest has been blamed for the shortage of dal in India. Reports say people started to hold back supplies.

以6个品种的木豆为材料,探讨了木豆品种间耐铝性的基因型差异及其机制。Genotypic variation of Al-tolerance and corresponded mechanism in 6 cultivars of pigeon pea were investigated in present study.

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木豆是抵抗力强和耐旱性能好的食用豆类,蛋白质和维生素B的含量高,且有让土壤中的氮和其他养料更好混合的好处。Pigeonpea is a hardy, drought-tolerant food legume high in protein and B vitamins, and offers the added benefit of fixing nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil.

本文以木豆7号、木豆2号和木豆5号为材料研究了木豆在低磷与铝毒胁迫下的适应性反应及其机理。So MD7, MD2 and MD5 were chosen for the studies on the reactions and corresponding mechanisms of pigeon pea in response to P deficiency and Al toxicity in hydroponics system.

木豆杂交制种需昆虫传粉,制种地传粉昆虫的种类及数量是制种产量的决定性因素。Insect pollinators are essential on flower pollination in CGMS pigeonpea lines, and their species, abundance, visiting frequency are the key factors for pigeonpea hybrid production.

结果表明,木豆种质资源的大部分田间农艺性状之间的相关性达极显著水平,种子、叶片的不同品质性状之间多呈负相关但未达显著水平。The results showed significant correlation among most of the agronomic traits, while a non significant negative correlation was observed among the main quality traits of seeds and leaves.

对自ICRISAT成套引进最新培育成功的早、中熟组木豆CMS杂交种各6份,进行了农艺性状及品质性状分析。Twelve newly developed pigeonpea CMS hybrid lines, 6 from early maturity group and 6 from medium maturity group, were introduced from ICRISAT for analysis on agronomic and quality traits.

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通过对过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱分析,发现8个木豆品种的电泳图谱谱带条数和迁移距离相同,只是部分谱带存在颜色深浅的差别。The result of peroxidase isozyme showed that the numbers of electrophoresis profile and the moving distance were the same in 8 different varieties, except for the color deepness in the profiles.

山毛豆、木豆、猪屎豆这三种灌木耐旱耐瘠、抗逆性强、根系发达、枝叶繁茂、生长迅速,可涵养水土,提高地力。The shrubs of White Tephrosia, Cajan and Pallid Rattle-box are drought resistance, endurable to lean soil, developed root system, exuberant growth of branches and leaves and quick growth variety.