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战斗伊始,他就想到走为上策。When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.

各个团队在上课伊始就开始提出问题。The teams get to ask questions at the beginning of the class.

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归信伊始,恩典即临,何等奇异珍贵。How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed!

新春伊始,我愿你健康、快乐、美丽!Chinese New Year begins, I wish you health, happiness, beautiful!

本赛季伊始,他被提升至河床的一线队。He made his first-team breakthrough at River Plate earlier this season.

自人类出现伊始,民间故事也就出现,它仿佛就是历史投下的一道长影。Tales are as old as humanity, like a long shadow thrown by our history.

出生伊始,哭啼的是你,周围的人却在微笑。When you are born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

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中国的历史哲学思想在史学伊始之初便产生了。Chinese historical philosophy thinking began at the original of history.

班夫国家公园具有悠久的历史,最早要追溯到加拿大建国伊始。Banff has a rich history going back to the creation of Canada as a nation.

从发行伊始,银行一半的纯利润都要归王室所有。From the outset, half of the bank’s net profits were claimed by the crown.

殖民地所有那些已经约定俗成的规矩,他从上岛伊始就表示了蔑视。He showed his defiance of all conventional rules by the manner of his entry.

比赛伊始,纳斯里的职责是攻击曼联右后卫拉斐尔。It was Nasri's job to attack United's right-back Rafael in the early minutes.

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但是人类未来苦难伊始居然犹如田园诗一般美好。But the beginnings of the future scourge of mankind were bucolic, even idyllic.

学校自建校伊始至今,各方面有了长足的发展。Since the establishment of the school, all aspects have been developed rapidly.

第五年伊始,住在小惠金区的哈利就遭到摄魂怪的袭击。Harry's fifth year begins with him being attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging.

为了避免陷入政治流沙,上任伊始,她就闪电出访诸国。To avoid political quicksands, she let visits abroad dominate her first few months.

这使得他们在虎年伊始发出了铿锵有力的转折之声。Which makes them at the beginning of the Tiger issued a sonorous voice of the turn.

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在Mulally上任伊始,Ford在全球有超过300,000个雇员和108个工厂。Upon Mulally's arrival, Ford had 300, 000 employees and 108 plants around the world.

这一过程不仅贯穿整个发育阶段,并且于胚胎发育伊始就存在Well, it really happens throughout development and it happens from the first stages.

这些话写于2003年10月,科比性骚扰案爆发的赛季伊始。This was written in October 2003, at the start of Bryant's sexual-assault case season.