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这些字句从我的笔端滚滚流出。The words flowed unbidden from my pen.

他搜寻上帝于自己身上,于自然界中,于诗人及思想家之笔端。He searched in himself, in Nature, in the message of poets and thinkers.

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我只能默然,把这痛与恨的纠缠留在笔端。I only could fall silent, keep the sad and hateful entanglement on paper.

岁末几个月把自己锁在家里,将一年体验付诸笔端。Year-end months lock yourself in the home, will experience into a poem encouraged.

但能把这种丰富的感觉诉诸笔端的医生却并不多见。It is a rare skill for a doctor to be able to communicate this rich sensorium in writing.

上帝所应许新的时代,是主基督的时代,这个时代早以为众先知们所描述过,付诸于笔端。It promises a new day, the day of the lord that the writing prophets had already described.

我画着孩子们的欢乐,笔端飘来玫瑰花瓣的馨香。I paint the joy of the kids, and the tips of my brush sends over the fragrance of rose petals.

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试想当下的诗歌界,有多少写作者能够将这些人类的命运放在心头并付诸笔端。Imagine the poetry circles, how many writers to these human fate in mind and put them into writing.

从设计师的笔端初露开始,川腾的每件作品都如同一个精灵的生命,跳动着音乐的灵魂。From the beginning of the design, all the products as the core of fairy, beats the music of the soul.

正如社会主义和谐社会不能止于笔端,和谐人研究的落脚点也在于如何实现。As socialist harmonious society can not stop at theory, harmonious person on how to achieve the end result also lies.

他的作品风格富于变化,集各家之长于胸襟,绘独家特色于笔端。His style is rich in changes, mixing the merits of various genres together and turn them into his own characteristic.

给出了光笔端、智能相机和计算机端的工作流程图,并对系统中要用到的其他指令进行了设计。The other instructions used in the system are designed too. 5 The software needed in the experiment of system is given.

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毕竟,从今以后15年,见诸我们笔端的很可能就是他们,还是相互认识一下为好。After all, we could, potentially, be writing about them for the next 15 years so we had better get used to each other now.

如此至诚至爱,流诸笔端,自然幻化出艺术之美和盎然之生气。Loved so sincere, streaming from the front end brush, natural, turned into the art scene in the United States and the angry.

她要把自己一生几个重要时期的经历和感受都熔入笔端倾泻在新作中。Into the new work she was going to pour all her thoughts and feelings, her vital life episodes , her bitter sweet experiences.

笔夹闪烁着施华洛世奇的品牌名字,笔端挂着一个白色镶钻闪亮的心型吊坠,而笔杆则绽放透明水晶石的璀璨魅力。The Swan logo is featured on the cap and the clip gleams with the Swarovski brand name, while the body sparkles with crystal chatons.

这位台湾艺术家的笔端倾泄出充沛的精力,上千次点染纸张,细笔构成茂密林丛。The tip of this Taiwanese artist's energetic, ink-drenched brush touches the paper thousands of times to build up a dense thicker of tiny marks.

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初稿用来将作者想要说的内容落诸笔端的一种思索工具,作者会很快想到比初稿更全面的内容。By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested.

其一,历史作为审视其它事物是一种,其实仅为所有事物暂时的面貌,从整个宇宙到有正在书写的笔端。There is, first, history regarded as a way of looking at other things, really the temporal aspect of anything, from the universe to this nib with I am writing.

网络问世前,人与人靠闲聊来分享日常生活琐事,并不会诉诸笔端,因此这些闲聊并不会经受如此分析。In the world before the web, chatter about the trivialities of everyday life was shared in person, and not written down, so it could not be subjected to such analysis.