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一路上,风吹雨打。The wind blows, the rain drops.

他遭受了风吹雨打。He was exposed to wind and rain.

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我们连续受到风吹雨打。We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.

这艘饱经风吹雨打的船在海湾中停泊着。The weather-beaten ship is riding to an anchor in the bay.

随风吹,任雨打,漫步于风吹雨打的思恋。The wind blow, let the rain beat, walking in the rain love.

由于风吹雨打日晒而崩裂的岩石化成了土壤。Rock that has been ground down by the elements becomes soil.

无袖背心、板直短裤再加一双经受风吹雨打的平底人字拖鞋?Singlet and board shorts and a pair of weather beaten thongs?

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正是因为你,使我不怕风吹雨打。It is because of you, make me afraid to expose to wind and rain.

独自在外面风吹雨打,真的想要回家。Alone outside in the wind and rain, all I want is to go back home.

为什么他们能够坚持,哪怕风吹雨打与暴晒?How come they persisted in that despite rain, storms, and sunburn?

这种房子能经历上百年的风吹雨打。This type of home can last through more than 100 years of wear and tear.

我们的情感毕竟禁不住那风吹雨打,终极决裂。Our feelings after all the rain and wind, couldn't help eventually break down.

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离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带。Not far from the road stood a weatherbeaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile.

海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语。Hai Yan because, after the wind and rain to cry "Let the Tempest come steeper some" rhetoric.

漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量震住了。The dark night, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, I was completely overawed by this force.

特别是一位老年人不管风吹雨打每天都在那儿。Especially of note is one elderly man who regardless of wind or rain is out there every single day.

我们这时正经过一排木头棚屋,这些木屋由于风吹雨打都发白变形了。We were passing a collection of shacks and log cabins now, bleached white and warped by the weather.

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历经多年的风吹雨打,老树的躯干有些倾侧了。The trunk of the old tree is slightly inclined, after being buffered by wind and rain for many years.

要得到你所想,便不要怕风吹雨打。所以每当听见打雷,不要躲在树下。If you want the things you love you must have showers. So when you hear it thunder, don't run under a tree.

在人迹罕至、任随风吹雨打的山峰上遍布着最鲜亮的地衣、苔藓,开花着最可爱的野花。The brightest lichens and mosses, the loveliest gems of wild flowers, abound far up on the bleak, storm-scalped peak.