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皮球睡着了。Ball falls asleep.

皮球在水面上漂荡。The ball drifted on the water.

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那只皮球在水面上漂荡。The ball drifted on the water.

皮球跳离架子。The ball bounces off the shelf.

皮球跳到了草坪上。The ball bounces onto the grass.

新皮球跳得高。The new rubber ball springs high.

因此今天,皮球要去野餐。So today, Ball is going on a picnic.

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皮球跳到了烧烤架旁边。The ball bounces next to the barbecue.

啊呀呀,果树上长皮球了。Ah ah ah, fruit trees on the long ball.

皮球在两棵大树之间跳跃。The ball bounces between two big trees.

皮球旋转着飞进了球门。The ball screwed and flew into the goal.

其实我是想和你谈一谈有关于皮球的事情。What I wanted to talk to you about was the ball.

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里面漂浮着一个皮球样皮质物体。Floating inside was a leathery ball-shaped object.

可是随后卡尔就放松了下来,或者说,像泄了气的皮球。But then Cal relaxed, or, really, kind of deflated.

保健问题不应该成为被踢来踢去的政治皮球。Health care should not become a political football.

在纽约,不可以把皮球扔到路人的脑袋上取乐。Throw a ball at someone's head for fun in New York.

我还记得那个小男孩抓走了莎伦的皮球。I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball.

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我还记得那个小男孩抓走了莎伦的皮球。I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon’s ball.

Toyabe博士把这个系统比作在螺旋梯上的皮球。Dr Toyabe likens the system to a ball on a spiral staircase.

希望我最终从印度皮球再次转变为血肉之躯吗?Of my final re-transformation from India-rubber back to flesh?