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不许浪费食物。No wasting food.

不许与我说话。Speak not to me.

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不许失败!Not allowed to fail!

不许动!否则我开枪了!Freeze or I 'll shoot!

不许你用三字经骂我!…Don't you dare curse me!

你你说不许动是什么意思?What do you mean freeze?

不许动,放下武器!Freeze! ! Drop your arms!

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不许吸烟。Smoking is not permitted.

我不许你顶嘴!I want none of your backchat!

此处不许吸烟。Smoking is not permitted here.

不许咬!不许跑!The biting! No! Scampering! No!

不许背靠神位而坐。Twelve, and sit back to the god.

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放下枪,不许耍花样。Drop the gun, and no funny stuff!

古兰经则彻底批判利息,他们说,利息貌似是生意,但上帝许你做生意不许你收利息。The Koran damns interest outright

不许你在校园里张贴招聘海报。You will not list on this campus.

第二天,达尔文写信给亨斯洛牧师,说他的父亲不许他去这趟旅行。The next day Darwin wrote to Revd.

任何人不许收受礼物。No one shall accept of any present.

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你今天不许出击。I forbid you to make a sortie today.

只许前进,不许后退。No retreat is allowed, only advance.

除了外婆谁都不许叫我月亮派。Nobody calls me Moon Pie but Meemaw!