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即使有樱花开放。Even if cherry-flowers bloom.

去樱花饭店怎么走?How do I get to the Sakura Hotel?

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这是盐腌的樱花。This is salting of cherry blossoms.

我爱美丽的樱花!I love the beautiful cherry blossoms!

日本是樱花国,用英语是这么说吗?Japan is the country of cherry blossoms.

东京的樱花远近驰名。Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms.

素白的樱花,泛白了记忆。White cherry blossom whitening of memory.

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像樱花一样开的又久又美。Like a flower blooming long and beautiful.

我住在中国,北京,樱花东街甲2号。Io vivo in Cina, Pechino, Cherry Street, un 2

如今,樱花银行就如一棵茂盛的樱花树。Today, Sakura Bank is like a thriving sakura.

樱花盛开只一瞬,残败却一整年。The cherry blossoms only moment, but from a year.

南海涟波潭边杏,樱花尽朱落无音。Nanhai apricot blossoms enough ripple, do not fall.

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鲜艳的晚樱花盛开在中国的横断山脉。Vivid fuchsias bloom in China's Hengduan Mountains.

樱花,我喜欢!姥姥也喜形于色!Cherry blossom, I love! It's also Grandma's favourite!

樱花购物中心是个购物的好地方。Sakura Shopping Center is a good place to go shopping.

即便是今年,亦是日本樱花盛开之季。Even this year, cherry blossom season bloomed in Japan.

风暴过后,樱花全部落掉。The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.

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冲绳县是日本第一看见樱花。Okinawa is the first place in all of Japan to see them bloom.

东京的樱花飘满了巴黎空出来的心情有些想念。Tokyo's cherry blossom with Paris floating free mood some miss.

北京市樱花宾馆是一家具备国际标准的三星级宾馆。Beijing Yinghua hotel is an international standard 3 stars hotel.