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“人”形的造型,寓意水路两栖,神通广大。"Human"-shaped form, symbolizes amphibious, resourceful.

我不再是知道那个神通广大的露西了。I was no longer Lucy who knew what was best for everyone else.

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你在纳斯神通广大。你没有买通过什么法官吧,是吗?You're big in Naas. You haven't bought off any judges, have you?

通过进入婴儿名字营来秀出你宝宝神通广大的名字,从而完成该测试。Put your baby name prowess to the test by entering the Baby Name Pool.

女娲不但补天救世,还创造万物,神通广大。Nuwa not only to the day of salvation, but also in creation, work miracles.

雪景的布置让人很难忘,但你是怎么控制自然下雪的?我可是很神通广大的。The arts and crafts were impressive, But how did you manage the real snow?I'm well-connected.

她这人是全国的人没一个不惧怕的,她早已使人人都相信她是个神通广大的妖妇了。She was held in awe by the whole realm, for she had made everybody believe she was a great sorceress.

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他可真是神通广大,谁想得到他能筹到整修教堂的经费?He can really work miracles. Who would have thought he'd come up with the money for the church's renovation?

他背地里花钱,为要人们相信他神通广大,有权有势。Lee is a person who would spend money secretly to make people believe he was infinitely capable and influential.

1937年神通广大的Shell石油公司把它的拉丁石油勘探队设在了这里,回报是他们发现在世界上最密集的热带雨林下面藏着石油——当时人们相信这是谎言,今天则确认他是谎言无疑。The prize was the vast deposits of crude oil believed then – and now known – to lie beneath some of the densest forests in the world.

牛魔王和铁扇公主的孩子红孩儿,修炼得道,神通广大,为益寿延年,他一心想各异唐僧肉。Red Boy, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fans son, had cultivated his physical and mental capacities and pollessed magic abilities.

何况,得墨忒尔再神通广大,也没本事把女儿从哈得斯手中硬夺过来。What's more, Demeter and then the majority of supernatural powers, nor the ability to put her daughter from Hades from the hands of hard-won.

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通过保留汇源神通广大的且相当有钱的主席朱新礼,可口可乐扩张了它在中国的关系网,这能使它赢得跟多的生意。By retaining the company’s powerful — and now extremely rich — chairman, Zhu Xinli, Coca-Cola has increased its own “guanxi” in the country, which could help it secure more deals.

种族不详,是一个神通广大的恶魔崇拜者。他宣称自己是第六家族的后嗣,但是没有任何证据证明他与这个家族的关系。"Dagoth Thras" was a powerful daedra-worshipper of unknown origin who declared himself the heir of the Sixth House, though there is little evidence he descended from the vanished family.

昨晚国务院宣布改善性住房取消二套房贷限制,这对一些神通广大的炒房团算是政策松绑了。State Department announced last night to improve the housing of the abolition of mortgage sets limits on some of the magical powers of the majority of the real estate group is a relaxed policy.

凭借这些“神通广大”的催化剂系统,那些电子云和空间位阻各不相同的反应物都能有效地实现交叉偶联,无需针对底物对反应条件优化。With these versatile catalyst systems, electronically and sterically diverse reactants can be efficiently cross-coupled, without the need for substrate-specific optimization of reaction conditions.

雅典娜和阿尔忒弥斯是出名的贞洁女神,又都以武艺高强,神通广大,闻名神界天国,还是不惹为好。Athena and Artemis are well-known goddess of chastity, but also have skills in high-strength, supernatural powers the majority of, well-known community of God Kingdom of Heaven, or not making as well.