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踏上征程去寻梦。Take a journey to find your dream.

对有些人来说,征程可能不会远于布里斯托。Some might get no farther than Bristol.

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他们在午夜踏上了开赴诺曼底的征程。They started off to Normandie at midnight.

而是踏上取得下一个成就的征程。It was on to striving toward the next achievement.

但这只是千里征程第一步,格林浩尔博士说。But this is just the beginning, says Dr Greenhalgh.

为了奔赴征程,我们剩余的时间已经不多。And we don't have much time left to make that journey.

又到了中国农历年的尾声,又到了新的征程即将起锚之时。A new year of the traditional Chinese calendar is coming.

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现在,阿宝已经是位功夫大师了,而他也将踏上新的征程去对付邪恶力量。He's now a kungfu master on a new adventure to fight evil.

雷霆队能在季后赛的征程中走多远?How Far Will the Oklahoma City Thunder Go in the Playoffs?

准备好了吗?商务新势力的征程正由此始发!Are you ready to start the journey of the new force business?

一群英雄踏上了击杀迪亚波罗和它的兄弟们的征程。A group of heroes begins a quest to defeat Diablo and his brothers.

但除非我们所有的人共同行动,否则就无法踏上这一征程。But we cannot make this journey unless we all move forward together.

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这是一个漫长曲折,同时充满挑战与期待的旅途和征程。This is a long-drawn flexural journey full of challenge and expectation.

“核动力蚂蚁”已经迫不及待想开始在都灵奥林匹克球场的新赛季征程了。The 'Atomic Ant' is raring to start the new campaign at the Stadio Olimpico.

他们在迈向我国的社会主义的新的征程中,阔步前进。They march in the new advance towards the building of socialism in our country.

而在追赶和超越世界先进水平的征程上,我们任重而道远。We shoulders heavy responsibility for overstepping advanced level in the world.

“我认为自己已经准备好开始这段新征程了,”博努奇在尤文图斯官方网站上说到。"I feel ready to begin this new adventure, " he told the official club website.

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炽热的色彩在秋风的助威中踏上了每年一次的对群山的征程。Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by autumn winds.

在他寻找传奇的征程上,他也将成为传奇。你同样可以成为一位伟大的守卫者。On his way to finding a legend. He will become one. You too can be a great guardian.

中国人民正在全面建设小康社会的征程上奋勇前进。The Chinese people are now going all out to build a well-off society in all aspects.