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女人实在无需楚楚可怜。Women don't need to really chu chu poor.

而且她们正如在以弗所年代一样使妇女的形像看起来又弱又楚楚可怜。And they're making women as weak and miserable as in the days of Ephesus.

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片刻之后,他转过身来,弯下腰吻了吻她那楚楚可怜的脸蛋。After a few seconds he turned back to her, and bending kissed her piteous face.

竹花没有醉人的馨香,花瓣很小,洁白而楚楚可怜。Do not intoxicating fragrance of the bamboo flowers, petals small, white and delicate and charming.

一周之后,我衣橱的洗衣篮里就多了只小爪雪白的灰色班猫,在哪儿楚楚可怜地望着我。By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet.

字面上,他的回答是如此真诚,以致于他能正视自己的女校长,表现出一副楚楚可怜的样子。And so literally honest was his reply that Jimmy was able to look his headmistress squarely in the face and appear innocent.

眼中的水雾还没有散去,配上这苍白的面容显得楚楚可怜。Water fog in the eye hasn't spread to go and goes together with this sallow side to permit to appear to be delicate and touching.

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字面上,他的回答是如此真诚,以致于他能正视自己的女校长,表现出一副楚楚可怜的样子。And so literally honest was his reply that Jimmy was able to look his headmistress squarely in the face and appear innocent. "Honest, Miss.

那么在印度这样一个国家,女性已经展示出了巾帼不让须眉的豪情壮志,为何还要把女性描绘成楚楚可怜的形象呢?Then in a country where such women have showed their bravery from time to time, why is it necessary to always project a pitiful image of woman.

“你说什么?”看着她略带怒气的面容,瞪着的双眸欲出火一样,和刚才的楚楚可怜判若两人,梦雨有种不敢触犯天使的感觉。" What did you say?" look at her face with anger, staring eyes to a fire, and had a delicate and touching, a dare not offend the angel dream feeling.

我最喜欢的一条鱼儿是那条最小的鱼,可能是因为牠娇小玲珑,楚楚可怜的样子,而且牠不会大便。I most like a fish is that smallest fish, is possibly because it is delicate and exquisite, miserable appearance, moreover it cannot the bowel movement.

薛从昏迷中醒来,看到一个可爱的小女孩突然走进他的生活,刁钻古怪,楚楚可怜。When Xue came out of the coma, he just saw this lovely little girl suddenly appearing in his life. Sometimes, her strange and senseless behavior made the Captain quite at loss.