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前轮驱动。Front wheel drive.

岩浆驱动夏威夷?Magma to Power Hawaii?

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它是月亮驱动,永远。It is moon-driven, forever.

这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。This machine goes by steam.

这些勺子被驱动了。And these scoops are driven.

可维修的2件式阀杆驱动。Repairable 2-piece stem drive.

这是真实的冷驱动。It is a really cool derivation.

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这辆车有前轮驱动装置。This car has front-wheel drive.

它就像一个微小的数据中转驱动。It looks like a tiny jump drive.

职责驱动的方法。A responsibility-driven approach.

建立一个数据驱动测试套件Creating a data-driven test suite

罗伊特伦顿用来驱动一辆出租车。Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi.

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我们已经写完了驱动程序类。We have our driver class written.

驱动小齿轮轴承的端隙。End play in drive pinion bearings.

亨利戏称它为“四轮驱动脚踏车。”Henry called it the “Quadricycle”.

我很喜欢那眨眼驱动自拍器。I love the wink-driven self-timer.

批量访问方法和驱动程序。The bulk access method and driver.

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汽车有前轮驱动装置。Of or relating to four-wheel drive.

拿起您的酒店,四轮驱动车。Pick up from your hotel by 4WD Car.

打印机驱动程序管理例程。Printer driver management routines.