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暑假补习班?Summer school?

这是我的暑假作业。It is my homework.

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漫长的暑假结束了。The long summer vacation is over.

首先,她做了暑假作业。First, she did her summer exercise.

这就是我按排的暑假生活。This is my plan for summer holiday.

现在是暑假。and we have our summer holiday now.

我记得暑假的时候,张心星跟我说。Just to say something about my mind.

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我们可以这个暑假去那里。We can go there this summer holiday.

你知道我喜欢什么吗?就是暑假。Do you know what I lik?Summr vacation.

我还要做我的暑假作业。I would also like to do my summer job.

为了度暑假我们已经租了一个小别墅。We have taken a cottage for the summer.

你知道我喜欢什麽吗?就是暑假。Do you know what I like?Summer vacation.

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他只是无所事事地度过了暑假。He just mooned away the summer holidays.

他不远万里来中国度暑假。He has come over to China for the summer.

您的孩子在今年暑假翻书看了么?Has your child cracked a book this summer?

我喜欢在暑假时钓虾。I like to go shrimp fishing in the summer.

我有一个从六月到八月暑假。I had a summer holiday from Jule to August.

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今年暑假你打算去旅行吗?Are you going to hostel this summer holiday?

他每年暑假都到垦丁去潜水。He goes scuba-diving at Kenting every summer.

最近刚结束今年暑假的蒙古营队。My summer camp in Mongolia finished recently.