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多么平静奇丽的国度呀!How pegeniusful and marvelous the country is!

气候温和,四季都有奇丽的景色。A mild climate, the seasons have Qili scenery.

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让我们来欣赏太湖的奇丽风光吧。Let 's enjoy the wonderful view of Taihu Lake.

噢,获得越多,感觉越发奇丽,是的。Ooh, the more I get of you, stranger it feels, yeah.

这是一个多山的奇丽国度。It is a very attrplayioning country with many mountains.

那新产品图案新鲜,色泽奇丽。其实。The new varieties have very vivid designs a freed pleasish colors.

阿姆斯特丹是一座风光奇丽的水城,有“北方威尼斯”之称。Amsterdam is one of the scenery Qi Li Shuicheng, "North Venice" said.

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这是个有着海港、山丘和奇丽海滩风景的小海湾。It's a little bay with harbours, mountains and magnificent beach views.

这是个有着海港、山丘和奇丽海滩风景的小海湾。It’s a little bay with harbours, mountains and magnificent beach views.

具体表现在丰富的想象、奇丽的语言和瑰丽的意境等方面。It features in rich imagination, colorful language and artistic mood, and so on.

它反倒是个风光奇丽的地方,堪称动物、植物和人类共同的家园。It is a place of spectacular scenic beauty and common home to plants, animals, and even humans.

站在远眺碧海蓝天的广场上,游客们可一睹远比荧幕上用胶带记录的更加奇丽的日落。A square overlooks the sea and visitors are encouraged to observe a truly fantastic sunset well worth saving on film.

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这座奇丽的大桥让你真正走进美景,你可以从悬空的玻璃平台上俯瞰辛华达峡谷。This marvelous bridge lets you literally step into the scenery, high above the Sunwapta valley on a suspended glass platform.

奇丽的山峰,幽深的沟谷,横流的溪水为景区的三道风景线。The three landscapes inside the scenic spot are magnificent mountain peaks, deep and serene valleys, and streams with cross flows.

汉江文化的浪漫奇丽色彩与中原文化朴实的理性之光,交融汇合成了光辉灿烂的华夏文化。Hanjiang culture, romantic strange and beautiful color and the Central Plains culture and simple light of reason, merged into a splendid blend of Chinese culture.

圣罗兰加入了动画诺蒂奇丽城泵入新的活动并且增加了一些大牌MiuMiu,平台的出现并没有realli死shortli事后说。YSL took added notic into animation new activity into belvedere pump and added big name like MiuMiu, Platform appearance didn’t realli die shortli afterwards that.

自1997年以来,通过其创新的设计,独特的氛围和风格奇丽的美食,北京紫云轩为客户提供了灵感和舒适。Since 1997, through its innovative design, distinctive atmosphere and unique cuisine, GREEN T. HOUSE in Beijing has provided inspiration and beauty to its clientele.

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暗恋一私的心,就像是瓶中等候发芽的种子,永远不能决定未来能否是奇丽的,但却真心而倔强的等候着。To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.

文章介绍了6S管理模式的产生背景、内涵,以及广西奥奇丽股份有限公司推行6S活动的情况。并就该公司推行6S活动的方法进行讨论。The article introduces the background, content and implementation of 6S management mode in Aoqili Co. , Ltd. , and discusses the methods of implementation of 6S in the company.

牡丹是中国著名的传统花卉,河南洛阳牡丹品种繁多,花色奇丽,素有“洛阳牡丹甲天下”的美誉。Peony is a famous traditional flower in China. There are a number of fancy peony varieties in Luoyang of Henan Province, which has always enjoyed the reputation of "the finest peony under heaven".