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他给我的孩子们买过喷气飞行器。He bought my kids jetpacks.

在此358年前的1545年,己有飞行器在空中飞行了。It flew 358 years earlier in 1545.

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在此358年前的1545年,已有飞行器在空中飞行了。It flew 358 years earlier in 1545.

低飞的飞行器令野生动物惊恐。Low- flying aircraft terrify wild animals.

旋转翼飞行器有关的所有事项。All matters relating to rotary wing aircraft.

大型飞行器的驾驶员是航空学方面的专家。Pilots of large aircraft are masters of aviation.

这个平衡使得四轴飞行器在空中平稳悬停。This makes the quadrocopter hang steady in the air.

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整个飞行器包上了钢性蒙皮。The entire vehicle is covered with a stiffened skin.

对特斯拉的反重力飞行器发生了什麽事?What happened to this anti-gravity craft of Tesla's?

飞翼式飞行器在阿尔伯基被人看到。Flying wing type aircraft were seen over Albuquerque.

首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。The first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons.

将飞行员引入到我们的商业飞行器中。Take the case of the pilot in our commercial aircraft.

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另一个较小的火箭将跟随其后,运送载人探索飞行器。A second, smaller rocket will follow, carrying the CEV.

他一共建造了四台飞行器,其中一台还是双人座的。He's built four flying machines, including a two-seater.

翅果是一个单翼飞行器,意味着它只有单独的一个翅膀。The samara is a monocopter, meaning it has a single wing.

两个海盗号轨道飞行器绘制出了火星大部分表面的地图。The two Viking orbiters made maps of much of the surface.

这一方法主要应用于自主式机动飞行器。This method is mainly used for autonomous mobile vehicles.

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采用铆接法,把飞行器部件连接在一起。For fastening aircraft parts together, riveting is adopted.

“我们叫追梦者“空间多功能飞行器”是有原因的。We call Dream Chaser a 'space utility vehicle' for a reason.

这一方法主要应用于自主式机动飞行器。This method is mainly applied for autonomous mobile vehicles.