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她把父亲和哥哥当成挡箭牌好让我有负罪感。She used my father and brother as tools to make me feel guilty.

看上去好像是拿了老师老子的那几招过来做挡箭牌。Looks like I got the teacher that move around to make the shield.

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他现在把这些一文不值的照片当成他的护身符和挡箭牌。He now regards these scruffy photographs as his shield and buckler.

这种用壁垒作挡箭牌的做法只会加重经济危机。Such retreats behind barriers will only make the economic crisis worse.

他闪到一边,把杰当作挡箭牌,避开了特里斯的强击。The kid moved to the side and used Jay as a shield for Terrance's haymaker.

这做法让澳洲、加拿大、日本及新西兰可用美国作挡箭牌。This allowed Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand to hide behind the USA.

国家主权不能再被用作严重侵犯人权的挡箭牌。The sovereignty of States must no longer be used as a shield for gross violations of human rights.

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够了,不要拿我当挡箭牌了,你一切都是为了你的自私而做的!Be not catching me to be safeguard enough, your everythings all for the sake of your selfish but do!

你一只手拿我作对付魔都的挡箭牌,再用另一只手来搞掉我。With your left hand you would use me as a shield against Mordor. And with your right, you'd seek to supplant me.

人行道上的行人挡箭牌,似乎从一开始的汽车和商店的橱窗,不屈不挠的眼楮樽刺眼。The sidewalks seem emptier as pedestrians shield their eyes from the unrelenting glare off the cars and store windows.

工党辩驳认为奥斯伯恩先生用欧债危机作为如今本国经济脆弱的挡箭牌,但是似乎很多选民接受了这个理由。Labour accuse him of using the euro crisis as an excuse for poor growth but many voters seem to think it is a good one.

说来很遗憾,这些事实对那些以杀植物论点为挡箭牌的吃肉的人不起什么作用。Sad to say, these facts make little or no impression on the flesh-eaters who seek refuge in the plant-killing argument.

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当他听新闻说本拉登让一个妇女当做挡箭牌时,他说本拉登是个懦夫,这是他唯一说过的话。The only thing he says is that bin Laden was a coward, when he hears reports that bin Laden hid behind a woman as a shield.

人们怀疑索马里海盗将这个法国女俘虏作为抵制美国对不断增大的青年党发动攻击的挡箭牌。That raises suspicions that she is being used as a shield against American drone attacks on the Shabab, which have increased.

我们给公司打过很多次电话,但他们用一份政府出具的检测报告作为挡箭牌。We've called the company many times, but they stand by a government report that was issued saying there is no link," he says.

而另一方面,美国人吉列则使用“拖延战术”,搬出叙利亚富商基尔迪当挡箭牌,称基尔迪也有收购意向。In an effort to delay RBS from accepting the offer, Gillett has presented Syrian businessman Yahya Kirdi as a viable bidder for Liverpool.

但是,仅仅因为您无法进行精确、详细和长期的预测,并不能作为逃避回答这三个问题的挡箭牌。Just because you can't make accurate, detailed, long-term predictions, though, doesn't give you a free pass not to answer the three questions.

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这个理论建议公司运用股票期权带来的税收利益从而减少负债,因为税收利益可充当债务的挡箭牌。Theory suggests that firms with tax benefits from the exercise of stock options should carry less debt since tax benefits are a non-debt tax shield.

既便如此,虽然许多年轻点的妇女在她们寻找买家的时候把她们的祖母都搬了出来当挡箭牌,但是年龄还是被限制在四十岁以上。Still, women must be at least 40, although many who are younger install their grandmothers as window-dressing in market stalls while they seek out buyers, Ishimaru said.

当有些人向你提出这样的问题时,你需要特别小心你说什么,因为你说的每句话都能变成政治挡箭牌。When someone raises an issue like this with you, you must be very careful about what you say, because everything that you say can be turned into political cannon fodder.