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血友病是他家的遗传。Hemophilia runs in his family.

出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.

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血友病患者的耀液琵固不录。A haemophiliac's blood not clot properly.

在爱尔兰大约有400位血友病患者。There are about 400 haemophiliacs in Ireland.

支持世界血友病联盟“人人享有治疗”的愿景。Support the WFH and its vision of Treatment for All.

血友病是如何影响患者生活的?How does hemophilia affect the lives of those involved?

调整世界血友病日的主题以发展你们自己的需求。Adapt the World Hemophilia Day theme to further your own needs.

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但是,所有形式类型的血管性血友病都会有出血问题。However, with all forms of VWD, there can be bleeding problems.

转位子是产生如血友病一类遗传病的一个致病因子。Transposons are one cause of genetic diseases such as haemophilia.

血友病患者由于被注射了感染的血液而寻求赔偿金。Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.

这一家族似乎真的罹患一种罕见的血友病。The family apparently suffered from a very rare form of hemophilia, indeed.

丙肝病毒在血友病患者身上表现更温和?。Are Chronic Hepatitis C viral Infections More Benign in Patients With Hemophilia ?

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血友病患者可以输入他们缺乏的蛋白来治疗。Haemophiliacs may be treated by transfusions of the protein they are deficient in.

研发领域覆盖糖尿病,肥胖症,生长激素缺乏症及血友病等疾病。The research areas cover diabetes, obesity, growth hormone deficiency and haemophilia.

目的探讨手术患儿合并血友病的围手术期处理。Objective To discuss the periioperative management of children suffering from haemophilia.

心脏起搏早期对血浆血管性假性血友病因子和可溶性P-选择素的影响及意义。The Value of Plasma Von Willebrand Factor and Soluble P-Selectin in the Early Cardiac Pacing.

目的探讨血管性假血友病因子检测在高血压病患者中的临床意义。Aim To explore the clinical significance of the vWF in the patients with essential hypertension.

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这些产品使大量的血友病患者感染了HIV和丙肝。These products caused large numbers of hemophiliacs to become infected with HIV and hepatitis C.

现在,血液制品,如血友病患者使用的血液制品,都要进过热处理以保证安全性。Blood products, such as those used by people with haemophilia, are now heat-treated to make them safe.

凝血因子VIII主要给血友病患者提供其所缺少的血液凝结的成分。Factor VIII essentially provides the missing ingredient without which hemophiliacs' blood cannot clot.