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神在母腹里造作了我们。God knits us in our mother's womb.

使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。Relieve us of this contrived confusion.

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他的写作风格极为矫柔造作。His writing features an highly affected style.

你见过一个口音造作的金发男人么?Did you just see a blond guy with a pretentious accent?

一部用来拉皮条的史诗,充斥着自我优越感和虚假造作。A pandering epic that's as phony as it is condescending.

我们现在正在造作的共业,亦会于将来成熟。Even now we are collecting Karma together for the future.

天上人间樂与苦,自心造作自身受。Happiness and suffering are both created by one's own mind.

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祸哉,那些在床上图谋罪孽,造作奸恶的。Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds!

我也没想到。她有些动作很不自然。太造作了。Neither did I. Some of her acting is far from natural and overacted.

有种虚伪和造作,但也是一种平易的造作。There's a falseness, a craftedness, but it's a kind of folk craftedness.

很长时间我都觉得J-pop是种奇怪、非常造作的声响。For a long time I thought J-pop was weird and really artificial sounding.

只要你继续妄自投射或造作,就没有重生的可能。Such a rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate.

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扮鬼脸扮得太多以至于丢失了幽默感——这是一场令人难以忍受的、矫柔造作的演出”。He mugs so ferociously he kills the humor – it's an insufferably cute performance?

佛陀教导说,这一切造作都是不可靠、瞬间即逝、不稳定的。The Buddha taught that all of these sankharas are undependable , fleeting, and unstable.

我脸上现出惊奇的表情,尽非造作。他明白再问已没有什么必要了。My face expressed a wonder so unaffected that he saw the needlessness of further questions.

目前,谈到性的基本关系,我们的研究范围似乎是人为造作。For the moment, it is our horizon that seems factitious in the fundamental relation to sexuality.

真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华更不讲究矫柔造作。A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and more over for hokum.

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建筑用材、垫板材、室内造作材、模板、纸奖材。Construction, package, interior fittings, temporary construction materials, pulp and uses same as Elka.

后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范,纯是儒家之造作。That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.

男人就不一样,男人天性里自带的大咧咧,反而成就了一个男人自然不造作的美。Not like men, men onboard Daileilei nature, but the achievements of a man not artificial natural beauty.