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你可以用冷水来调剂。You can use cold water for this solution.

朱之文发现这种向导型调剂十分有效。I find this guided mediation to be very useful.

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必须用压铅丝体例调剂间隙。Clearance must be adjusted by means of lead wire.

印刷电路板带有附属的调剂。The printed circuit board has appurtenant reliefs.

累的时候,就去散步调剂一下。When she's tired, she livens herself up with a walk.

想给你那柄古老而又可靠的剑找点调剂品吗?Looking for something to spice up the old, trusty sword?

一切有生之论,都少不了睡眠的调剂。The whole the theory of living , all necessary sleep of adjust.

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有趣的调剂—摆脱枯燥无聊的日常生活—令人兴奋!Great escape- escape the normal routines of everyday life- be EXCITED!

是糖酒会调剂各种类型场馆的最佳选择。It's the best choose that fill a prescription of each type of facility.

迪克学习了二个小时,为了调剂一下,找来一本漫画翻翻。Dick studied for two hours and then read a comic book for a change of pace.

同时大量的民间贸易充斥其中,因此它又有调剂余缺、通商惠工等经济功能。Because it involves lots of folk trades, is conductive to the economy there.

在故事中添加这些滑稽角色是作为一点轻松的调剂。The comical characters are brought into the story for a little light relief.

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迪克学习了二个小时,为了调剂一下,找来一本漫画翻翻。Tom studied for three hours and then read a comic book for a change of pace.

本片加入了大量的幽默和人性化元素来调剂沉闷的科学情节。The movie livens up its science-heavy plot with a dose of humor and humanity.

两极之冷气流调剂赤道地区的酷热。The cold current from the poles tempers the intense heat of the equatorial regions.

论述了同级供应网络中产品调剂的可能性。The possibilities of product allocation in the same-level supply network were discussed.

他可以调剂颜色,无论是彩色笔的颜色,还是毛笔的颜色都调得出来。Neither he can adjust the color, the color of color, or the color of the brush a tuning out.

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所以我们会尽量再你选的款式的类似款式内帮你调剂。Therefore, we will try to re-election of your style with a similar style to help you adjust.

重新审视自己的对成功的定义,并对职业途径做出相应的调剂。Re-assayine your deaccomplishedtion of success and acclimatize your career path appropriately.

在轴、外壳显现挠曲时,可以自动调剂,不增添轴承承担。The shaft, shell buckling, can appear be automatic adjustment, not to increase bearing burden.