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门山饽欢迎标语。The welcome sign over the door.

标语是2008年在意大利开始的。That slogan began in Italy in 2008.

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虚的口号或标语不要常挂嘴上。Don't talk of empty words or slogans.

标语这里,用直尺勾画一座城!Here , using a ruler to outline City!

标语是关于创造我们的财富。The tagline is about creating our legacy.

一个扶轮社应如何将标语转换成行动?How can a club put this motto into action?

从这里你能看清那个横幅标语吗?Can you read that banner from this distance?

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“是否合理”并非是评判宣传标语好坏的标准。“Sensible” is not the criterion for a placard.

标语还可以传递公司受益和特征的信息。Taglines can also convey benefits and features.

一个西方世界的标语在东方重现。A western world manifesto reimagined in the east.

俚语,标语,头文字以及常见错误Slang, Catchphrases, Acronyms, and Common Mistakes

“思变”是年会的标语。"Plan for change" was the slogan of the conference.

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长幅标语从高高的楼顶上垂挂下来。Long streamers hung from the tops of tall buildings.

豪雅表的公司标语是“1860以来的瑞士表先驱”。The company motto is "Swiss Avant-Garde Since 1860".

在那儿你会看到这条标语写在墙上。There you can see the slogan written up on the wall.

“人生短暂,有次外遇吧”标语口号是这么说。"Life is short. Have an affair," reads the tag-line.

标语写著「拒绝援助血与火」。The banner reads "No to the rescue of blood and fire".

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标语上写着“黄线后禁止饮食”。It says "No Drinking and Eating after The Yellow Line."

海报上的标语则称Dexter为“史上最杀手老爸”。The tagline calls Dexter the "world's most killer dad."

街上充斥着游行示威和反国王统治的标语。There were street demonstrations and anti-Shah slogans.