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圆锥截面凹面的固定参考点。A concave surface, structure, or line.

包括6个圆锥圆柱刷笔芯。Includes 6 tapered cylindrical brush refills.

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它是一幅斯特雷贝等积多圆锥投影图。It is a Strebe equal-area projection, polyconic.

箭头分为圆锥头和破甲头等。The arrow head and Penetration into conical top.

我需要带有一个圆锥孔的单簧木管乐器。I need a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore.

内环圆柱或圆锥孔。The inner rings have cylindrical or tapered bores.

单列圆锥滚子,有保持架。可分离。Single-row conic roller , with the cage , and separable.

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圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber.

熔岩从意大利西西里岛的埃特纳火山新的圆锥孔中喷出。Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

花序类型为圆锥状二歧聚伞花序。The inflorescence pattern belonged to paniculate dichaisa.

出示圆锥让学生观察,讨论,你看到了什么图形?Look here. What shape did you see? Please discuss in pairs.

圆锥贯入试验是一种广泛使用的现场试验方法。The cone penetration test is a popular in-situ test method.

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柱形圆锥图在柱形图中使用圆锥形数据标记。A cone column chart uses cone data markers in a column chart.

所有的飞机都会产生两个气体圆锥,一个在头部,一个在尾部。All aircraft generate two cones, at the nose and at the tail.

纤维指数用圆锥淘洗法测量。Fiber index is measured using the conical elutriation method.

首先,用尼龙窗纱包裹放在里面的圆锥的侧面。Firstly, wrap the inside cone's flank with nylon window screen.

这是起重机配件双列圆锥滚子轴承。This is a crane accessories double row tapered roller bearings.

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在一个案例中一个短暂的圆锥髓病变遇到。In one case a transient conus medullaris lesion was encountered.

消声器是一个不规则形状的圆锥型船舯消声器。The muffler is an irregular shaped tapered type mid-ship muffler.

目的动脉圆锥的动脉解剖学观察。Objective Observation on arterial distribution of conus arteriosus.