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竟会分担那死亡的暴虐无礼。Could share in that discourtesy of death.

但你在陆地上也能找到同样多的暴虐。But you will find as much brutality by land.

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暴虐和专横跋扈的癖性。A proclivity for violence and authoritarianism.

默罕默德瞧不起萨达姆侯赛因的暴虐政权。Muhammad despised Saddam Hussein's despotic regime.

我老婆是个暴虐的中国“东北”女人,而且经常打我。My wife is stubborn Dongbei girl, and often beats me.

李富财阴险调皮,并且但愿享受,是远近最暴虐的人。Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous. He was the cruelest man around.

桀和纣带领天下暴虐无道,百姓也就跟随着抢夺作乱。Jie and Zhou led on the kingdom with violence, and people followed them.

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暴虐、死亡、漂泊等主题都是她致力表现的。Violence, death, vagrancy are also the three main subjects in her writing.

近一个世纪以来,中国领导人一直希望驯服暴虐的长江。China's leaders have sought to tame the violent Yangtze for nearly a century.

屠杀的暴虐感、尿味还有新鲜的死亡气息在硕大的尸山上萦绕不去。The smell of musth and urine , of fresh death, hung over the mound of the corpse.

数不清的信徒是在暴虐专横的政府之下忠心地服事主。Untold millions of believers have served him faithfully under despotic governments.

而现在我们同样需要付诸革命的行动来撼动这个暴虐的政府。And now we need the same revolutionary acts to bring down this tyrannical government.

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慕容熙昏庸暴虐,赋税很重,人民痛苦不堪,怨恨四起。Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.

同样,没有什么比男人的自私和暴虐更能让女人饱受精神之苦了。In the same way, nothing embitters a woman's spirit more than a selfish or abusive man.

你到何处何地满眼见到的满耳听到的都是日本士兵的暴虐和兽行。Whatyou hear and see on all sides is the brutality and bestiality of the Japanesesoldiers.

20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain.

猜疑常常会让君主变得暴虐,让丈夫产生嫉妒,让智者变得优柔寡断。They dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to jealousy, wise men to irresolution and melancholy.

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母亲暴虐的男友和紧巴巴的经济状况伴随着纳塔利·沃佳诺娃的整个童年。Her mother's abusive boyfriends and a tight financial situation dogged her throughout childhood.

日本人支持战争,庆贺胜利,对自己的暴虐行为洋洋自得。The Japanese people supported the war, cheered the victories and reveled in the spoils it brought.

那么你认为你是谁,竟敢用这种暴虐的态度对待自由而理智的人?And who are you, then, that arrogate to yourself this tyrannical right over free and rational beings?