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我有很多重难点型。I HAs a lot of problems.

我需求回答这个重难点型吗?Need I says the question?

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请回答我的重难点型。Please reply to my question.

对质量重难点型我深表遗憾。I regret the quality problem.

那么这个过程的难点是什么Now, what are the challenges there?

你回答重难点型时要直截了当。Be direct when you says the question.

日语的敬语是学习日语的难点之一。Japanese honorific is Extremely difficult to study.

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你还有什么重难点型要提出来供双方谈论的吗?Anything else you require to bring up to discussion.

我甚至就这个重难点型写过短篇特别研讨毕业文书。I've even writing a short disquisition on the issue.

学生充分阅读后,师生共同解决重、难点,接着又是讨论。Do you think the environment in Yuyao is good enough?

科里奥利加速度在普通物理力学中是一难点。Coriolis acceleration is a nodus in general mechanics.

而也许你们已经准备好了接受这个难点。Maybe that's the difficulty you're prepared to accept.

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但难点在于怎么控制你醒来的时间。The difficulty there is to get the wake-up time right.

量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点。The teaching of Chinese classifiers is a nodus in TCFL.

重点难点都在于你创造一个恰当的气氛。What matters is the creation of a desirable atmosphere.

用戴维南定理分析含受控源电路又是难点中的难点。And the analysis with Daviunan Theorem is more difficult.

我们都看到了,所有的观点都会遇到难点。As we've seen,all the views here have their difficulties.

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读这篇短文,找出这个重难点型的答案。Read the passage, or search away the says to the question.

不过,英语还是有很多难点。There is, however, plenty that is difficult about English.

这也是高岭土行业研究的难点和热点。This is the difficult and hot subject in the kaolin trade.