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他已被说服出力帮助卖票。He's been roped in to help sell the tickets.

我们要的是为自己过上更好的生活出力。And we want to contribute to our better life.

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它是世界上最出力不讨好的工作。It is one of the most thankless jobs in the world.

有的人则自告奋勇地要为此出钱出力。Some people volunteered to contribute money to this end.

蔡盈盈为这故事出力做研究。Ying Ying Joyce Choi contributed research to this story.

义工们为地震灾民筹款出钱出力。Volunteers helping out fundraising for the earthquake victims.

当然,要确保雇员懂得如何合适地出力。However, make sure employees know how to contribute appropriately.

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第二,有钱出钱,有力出力。Secondly, give the money if you do have or otherwise the manpower.

可能是她在1828年出力拯救西蒙波利瓦尔的时刻。Probably when she intervened to help save Simon Bolivar's life in 1828.

教友们出钱出力,于1987年重修教堂。In 1987, the faithful rebuilt the church with their own money and labour.

若未受伤,随时准备协助救难人员提供资讯或出力援救。If uninjured, be ready to assist rescue workers with information or labor.

我进展你能卒业后回国,为家乡建设出力。I hope you can return home after graduation, for the home-building efforts.

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到底是出钱还是出力取决于捐赠者的目的所在。Whether it is better to give money or time depends on your goals as a donor.

如此寒气逼人的“集中营”老乡我还真没见过……不出力也不捧场,想交。This group is not a group, just like air, i can't see anyone here, SilentHill.

此次实验研究的是单个椎体的螺钉拔出力。This experiment researched the drawn force of the single centrum pedicle screws.

你需要在杂乱的事情中出力,那是无法在数据中体现出来的。You've got to contribute in huddles and things that don't show up in statistics.

在周五进行的半决赛中,邹就显示出力压群雄的实力。In his semifinal bout Friday night, Zou showed a canny ability to work the crowd.

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改造后,筒仓运行达到设计出力,保证了圆筒仓的储煤及配煤工作的顺利实施。After using this material, the opereration of coal bunker reaches the designed power.

他怕自己的心被家牵住,因而不能全力为肖宇风出力。He is afraid of his own heart is a hold, therefore cannot fully for Xiao Feng output.

大多数人懂得出力得当与走过头的区别。Most people know the difference between an acceptable contribution and an over-share.